Nonsense!!! I say going in to get my purse ..
If Justin says you should stay , it's best if you just stay .. Maria says quietly ..
Mom , my best friend is injured .. I can't just sit in here and do nothing ..
Why don't you contact justin first ? Sarah suggests ..

"Bae , what's going on. ? How is Lucas doing ? I'm coming over .. Please don't say know .. I tell justin through our mind connection .
Everything is fine ! He replies , Lucas is okay , just a panicked Henrietta pacing up and down .. Stay with Kaiden and Daya .. Don't come he says ..

No !! I'm coming immediately .. Your mother will stay with them ..

I'm coming with you . Sarah says picking up her purse and we both head to the hospital ..
I run in .. And every body bows down in respect ..
I'm too panicked to smile at anyone so I just wave slowly ..
I enter the room .. Lucas is on the bed injured .. And Henrietta has tears in her eyes and of course a very angry Justin ..
I hug Etta closely .. And kiss her forehead ..
You'll be fine I say looking at Lucas ..
What happened I ask?
Well some asshole attacked him and put a knife close to his heart before he had a chance to shift ..
Close to his heart ? I ask panicking
It happened so fast that the Other guards on patrol could not help him .. But the rogue has been apprehended and he will be killed justin says angrily ..
And My heart began to beat very fast ..
Killed ? I ask ..
Yes !! Killed ! Justin replies more firm ..

Doctor Kayla walks in ..
Luna !
He'll be fine .. He's wolf has already started the healing process .. Nothing to worry about ..
Sarah holds Etta while I sit down beside Lucas ..
"You better be fine , I'm not planning to spend my Christmas without Lulu .. I whisper in his ears .. And don't think I will let anything happen to you when you've not gotten me my Christmas present ..He opens he's eyes and begins to laugh ..

Maria calls ..
"Your children are crying seriously .. Come home fast .. " she says

I'm so dumb .. I left the house in so much panic I forgot I had kids ..
Justin , Sarah and I head home ..
Sarah picks Yvonne and hugs me goodnight ..
Maria leaves ..
After bathing , breast feeding and putting the kids to bed .. I go to meet justin ..
Baby ,! I call justin quietly .

What ?! He answers coldly and I stand up to leave the room ..
"Baby , I'm sorry .. I just feel bad that Lucas got hurt .. What is it honey ? Justin says
"I know how you feel , I feel bad for Lucas and Etta .. But he will be fine .. I just wanted to ask if you were serious about killing the rogue ?
Yes ! Justin says ..
And Bree , don't try talking me out of this .. It won't work ..
Okay okay .. No argument I say crushing my lips against his ..
But justin .. Please ? Can I talk to the guy tomorrow ? I ask ..
No ! Justin says ..

Maybe he has a good reason for trying to get into the pack I say .. But justin is not even listening ..
Maybe if I talk to this guy , who knows maybe he's a good person ..

After much persuasion .. Justin finally agrees to me seeing the prisoner .. But he says that won't change the fact that he is going to be killed ..

You can go and see him tomorrow morning cause by afternoon he'll be gone .. I don't want the pack to panic that there's a rogue around .. They might fear that more will come and not celebrate their Christmas in peace .. Justin says ..
And I nod slowly ..

Come here babe , justin says dragging me close to him .. He rips out my shirt like a hungry lion ..
He's eyes turn black with lust ..
He slowly takes off my jeans as he pushes me on the bed kissing me ..

He takes off his shirt and the moment my eyes make contact with his body , I blush and feel electric shocks ..
I almost forgot how sexy and extremely hot my mate was ..

The Alpha's Son Is My Mate, Say What ? ( STILL EDITING THIS BOOK).Where stories live. Discover now