Part 9

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They soon came upon a garden right up beside of the castle. They had a very strong feeling that the princess was inside the old castle. However, all they could see in front of them was a small window right above the ground.

Michie let Missy stand on her shoulders and peer inside. To their dismay, all they found was a small canary in a very large cage. They even tried other windows and found nothing but dusty empty rooms.

They knew they had to be overlooking something so they all sat down to try to figure things out, as they ate a light snack. All of them seemed a bit down, because of the trouble they were having but they still did not give up their hope.

While Michie was trying to discuss an idea the little canary was chirping. This made it so hard to concentrate that she turned and asked the bird to please quite down a bit. But Missy said that the bird was trying to tell them something important.

The bird told them that she was their sister. And that Hendel had had the gall to turn her into a canary, keep her caged up, and almost starve her to death. After Missy had translated what she had learned, they started to plan a way to defeat Hendel.

"Maybe we don't have to face all by ourselves." Michie said as she pointed over her shoulder. To her delight Missy found a whole bunch of animals including; a deer, squirrels, and birds eating a path of berries that must had fallen through the hole in their basket that the impolite squirrel had gnawed through earlier.

With Missy's help, they convinced the band of animals to help in the rescue. A deer helped boost Michie climbed in through an open window into the castle. Her job was to enter with the squirrels and to sneak to the front of the castle and let down the drawbridge.

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