Chapter Fifteen // Leo

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I had been following the signature of power that Eric was transmitting, since I left Felix's house to burn to the ground. The day that a mysterious woman broke my fall and gave me the strength I needed to reach him. Searching for other people with abilities wasn't a strength of mine. Moss, was much better at pin-pointing readings; he had fine-tuned his abilities to track people like us. I had learnt that instead of leaving my body, using the powers of my soul that there was a simpler option. I could just throw out a web of psychic energy and pin-point different souls, giving me a rough direction to follow. It was near enough impossible to do because I just wasn't strong enough, but with practise I knew that I could improve.

It was only an hour ago that I had a reading, so huge that I passed out in the middle of the forest. It was unexpected, like a beacon of light had burst, marking Eric's location for me. I followed the trail of power that was burnt into my mind in the blast, to a small town. When I stood on the cobbled street, the sorrow that clouded the air was overwhelming and I was afraid that I was too late.

Each step I took towards him was excruciating. The front door was wide open and hanging off the frame. The sun disappeared in the horizon, darkness was falling. I approached the house cautiously, listening for any sounds of life. Silence rested undisturbed in the air. I entered the front room, steadily soaking all the disruption in. My eyes scanning the room for clues. I needed to know what had happened here. I had to find Eric.

A darkness seemed to coat everything. The smell of rotting flesh permeated the air, knocking me sick. The room smelt of death. I ignored the smell and listened for him. Feeling for any thought waves with my mind. I couldn't give up, not when I was so close. Felix wouldn't have given up, he knew how important it was that I find Eric. If he could manage to leave and find his family then I could find Eric. I wouldn't fail, I was too stubborn to turn back and I had no where to turn back to anyway.

"They took her, there was nothing I could do. I failed."

His voice whispered through my mind, and my eyes sought him out. He was slumped against the far wall, his eyes closed, his hair a black matted mess. I ran to him, reaching out with my mind, "Eric can you hear me? Everything is going to be okay. Trust me." Kneeling down in front of him, I took his hands in mine, they were as cold as ice; death had nearly taken him. I took a few deep breaths, as I stared at him. This was the body of the soul that begged me with his eyes to save him. This was the body I sucked John's soul from. The body that I left soulless, defenceless under the brutality of Box's choices. 

I had prepared myself for this moment, ever since I left the Misvan Gatu's underground head quarters. Now I was here, my hands shook with fear. This wasn't John, it was Eric. Eric, a soul that would have been trapped past the veil on the other side if I hadn't of killed John. Staring at him now all the regret and indecision that haunted me faded.  If I couldn't save him, darkness would fall. 

"I can't be saved." His voice echoed and his heart ached. I gripped his hands tightly in mine. I had to connect to him quickly before he crossed over. I leaned in and kissed him, my lips crushing against his. It was the only way that I knew of to spark a direct connection to him fast enough to save him. I hated myself for it. Felix's eyes plagued my conscience, and it took all my strength to ignore the shame that shadowed my decision.

The second our lips touched, I jumped into my mind; pushing from deep inside me into him. Forcefully breaking down the crumbling barrier to his soul. Without warning his pain poisoned me, dark tendrils ripping into me. My composure wavered, the darkness was too strong. I held myself together, feeling it creeping into me from him. Ignoring the searing cold touch of death. I searched for the ball of energy I sucked from John's soul. My heart beat faster under the strain. I had no idea how to activate it, how I could use it to bring Eric back from the edge of death. I couldn't help but think about the irony that the energy and power from John's soul was what Eric needed to live. The electric green swirls of energy pulsed in the centre of a white glow in my mind. Recognising it for what it was, I pulled the energy from deep within my soul and launched it straight into his. The blinding light that crackled from the centre of his being, eradicated the poison. I felt the dark tendrils dissolve under the strength of the light. "Light banishes the dark, Eric. You are stronger than you think.

I watched his soul glitter and glow in response, a warmth radiating straight to my heart. It was beautiful. I had never felt so much love and courage. I withdrew slowly, piecing myself back together and pulling my power into my physical self gradually. I blinked, my lips still pressed against his. My hands still in his. They didn't feel cold any more, heat pumped through his veins. He parted his lips and kissed me back. I gave myself to the moment and enjoyed his kiss, choosing not to care for a man that left me alone. Choosing not to care for Felix. Eric's voice invaded my mind. 

"You saved me, how did you find me? I owe you my life." He broke away from me; opening his eyes, watching me, waiting for a response. I stared at him, my stomach twisting and the hair on the back of my neck standing up under his gaze. He spoke out loud before I could respond. "What's your name?"

"Leo," My hands felt cold and empty without his touch. He was the strength behind the light in all of us and we nearly lost him. I nearly lost him.

"How did you find me?" The colour was returning to his cheeks, his body was healing because his soul was regenerating itself. A small victory crowded by so many tragedies.

"When you were attacked I felt it and followed the mark it left in my mind, I was tracking you for a while."

"Who are you? Why were you tracking me Leo?"

"I had to find you. I was tortured by Box. I managed to get inside his mind and I saw how important you were. I found out the Misvan Gatu's true intentions and had to do something to stop them. When I escaped I swore my revenge on Box and that I would find you. We need to stand against them Eric, there is too much at stake." 

"I know. I have to find them. Box and the Daeva took two people that are very important to me; Sage and Anika." He shook his head in frustration, "The Daeva is embodied in our world now and growing stronger. She is the one that poisoned my soul with the darkness. We have to stop her."

"I don't know where they are, but I can help you get to Sage and Anika. I don't know if I can take on the Daeva, but I am willing to stand by your side and try, Eric. I can't give up now."

"Do you know how we can send the Daeva back to the other side, Leo?" Urgency twisted in his voice when he spoke.  He wasn't ready to sit back and watch the Daeva take control. He had more than enough power and ability to fight against the darkness. I just needed him to realise his power was light enough to win the war and restore order on the other side.

"Eric, you need to have a little faith, we will find a way to destroy what the Daeva is doing. I will help you fight her Eric, If it's the last thing that I do." I stood up and held out my hands to him to help him stand up. He accepted my help, rising shakily to his feet. He needed a little more time to complete the healing, then we could find the Daeva and Box, we had to stop the darkness from spreading into our world from the other side. If the veil to the afterlife fell, the souls would have nowhere to transcend to at their judgement. Evil and Good would just return, forever lost in this existence until they were transported to a new host.

"There is only one person who could destroy the veil, Leo. The white woman that met me on the bridge to the afterlife, gave me one task. I had to protect Sage. The white woman called me Ašavan, I was chosen to restore the balance." His voice rang true, courage and determination creased his brow as he spoke. His brown eyes holding mine in a trusting embrace.

If the Daeva had Sage and Anika, it wouldn't be long before the demons of the afterlife re-entered our world. I turned and ran for the door, Eric following closely behind me. It would take us a couple of hours to get to safety and search for them. I felt the energy inside me expand as it searched. "Thank you, Leo." Eric's words whispered through my mind as I focused my ability. My heart warmed at his gratitude and I smiled. Feeling my own desire envelope my heart and mind, I opened myself up for a second and sent a message to Box.

Box, I hope you're ready. We are coming for you.

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