Chapter Five // Leo

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They had me chained up, in a dank, dimly lit room. The only light flickering underneath the door. I stood up and assessed the damage. My jacket was gone and the strap on my vest top was ripped, my skirt was filthy and I was missing my shoes. The only positive that I could see was that they hadn't killed me. I tried to remove the chains but they were locked on to my wrists tight. I wasn't going anywhere without a key. So, I decided to scream.


I screamed until my throat was raw. I had pulled so hard on my chains that they had started to cut into my skin. Blood dripped slowly from my self inflicted wounds. If I got my hands on Box I'd kill him. I don't know how, but I swear, if I was given half a chance, that man would be dead.


I collapsed to the floor, exhausted and out of ideas. My mobile was in my jacket pocket and they had taken it. I just had to hope that they'd bring food and water. Maybe even let me use the toilet. I wondered what they were planning on doing with me. The energy I consumed yesterday was still inside me, Buff had already informed me, it wouldn't effect me until it was activated; funny that he forgot to mention how. That energy might just help me out of this sticky situation. 

I sat for a moment, contemplating my escape plan. There was no way I was going to give up, I wasn't weak. As soon as I had the chance I had to fight. Since I started the intense training with Buff, my powers had grown exponentially. I just had to tap into them and then maybe I could figure out a way out of here, before it was too late. I shut my eyes and flexed my eidetic memory a little. Being able to recall images, sounds and objects with absolute precision was a powerful tool when tuning my power. Being able to tap into Buff's eidetic memory was easy enough before, maybe I could re-access it. Doing anything like this was dangerous, if Buff realised what I was doing, before I could grab the information I needed out of his head; I would be killed. The Misvan Gatu liked to have control, learning how to take control myself wouldn't be easy. They would dispose of me if I was successful. My mind filled with images, and like I was viewing a slide-show, I flicked through my memories with ease, searching for the moment Buff let me into his mind.

"Leo. I see you have calmed down enough now to talk sensibly about your options?"

A sharp slap across my face pulled me out of my memories. Box had a knack for catching me off guard. His timing was impeccable; I hadn't even heard him come in.

"My op-shons?" I stalled him, noticing I was slurring my words a little. My mind raced; trying to catch up with what was happening, but I was useless until I recharged. Thank God I wasn't in Buffs head when Box came, I'd be uncontrollable now, like a drunken teenager.

"Ha, Ha, Ha, I see you've been using your brain a little too much, eh? Ah, Leo, you never fail to amaze me." His eyes shone with pleasure at my predicament. His face mere inches away from mine, I could feel his breath on my cheek, it smelt sour like old tea and cigarettes.

"Urgh, git-away-vromee!" It was becoming harder to speak. My eyes couldn't focus and my body felt weak. I fought it though. He wouldn't win.

"Well. Your options are very limited now, Leo. I need that energy you sucked up yesterday, and I know you aren't going to give it up easily. The only reason you're alive right now is that I like you." He sighed, and then breathing in deeply through his nose, he leaned in closer and sniffed me. "Hmm... I really like you Leo. I like how nasty you try to be, when really you're as soft as a pussy cat. Maybe I'll give you some cream. You'd like some cream now wouldn't you, kitten?"

My heart hammered in my chest, he was too close. He was suffocating me with his disgusting presence. I was going to vomit everywhere. I felt dizzy with anger and repulsion. I struggled to gain control over my body. I knew he was taking advantage of me, and he wouldn't stop with words. He ran his tongue across my cheek, and I squealed in shock.

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