"Hello? I'm just going into labor over here no need to be alarmed or anything." I reminded them through my short breaths.

"Are you ok?" Paige asked concerned "How far apart are your contractions?"

I scrunched up my face trying to remember when my last one even ended.

"I don't know." I shrugged

"Here Iris call Chase" Paige said handing her cellphone. "Tell him to get to the hospital."

Iris nodded and began dialing.

"Kai-" Paige began.

"I don't know nothin bout birthin no babies!" Kai held up her hands.

I sighed annoyed. Two of these girls are usually great when I'm not in labor and they're not hammered. But right now I couldn't tolerate them.

"Chase said he's on his way but he's 3 hours away" Iris announced.

"Damn. How much further is your car?" I asked Ryan who's only mission was to get to his car. He hadn't said a word.

"Right here." He said finally walking up to a car. Paige opened the passenger's door and Ryan eased me in the car and jumped in the front seat and started the car. Iris, Paige, and Kai stood outside of the car bickering about something trivial.

"Wait!" They banged on the window before Ryan pulled off. I rolled it down.

"Unlock the backseat!" Paige said.

"Actually don't." I told Ryan. The girls looked at me confused "Look Iris, Paige. I love you both dearly but I'm in pain right now and I don't want to play mediator between you all while you're drunk. You can't come." I told them and they looked at me sadly.

"Well what about me?" Kai asked in her accent.

"Kai your accent is ticking me off and besides, you're a bitch." I said which made her jaw drop. "Let's go" I said to Ryan as he took off towards the hospital.



"Can you believe her?" Kai said in shock as she watched Ryan and Sheilah drive off.

"You are kind of a bitch." I mumbled as I searched my contacts.

"Excuse me?" She gasped.

"Come on we can follow them. My car's over there." Iris grabbed my hand to try to get me to follow her.

"We've all drank way over the limit. I'm calling someone now to get us to the hospital." I told Iris as I continued to search my contacts until I found the number I was looking for.

"Who?" Iris and Kai hooted like owls.

"Someone I don't want to see." I sighed as the phone rang and finally he picked up.

"Why hello Paige." He purred and sent chills up my spine.

Had his voice always sounded this sensual or was I just really wasted?

"Sean. I need a favor." I said as seriously as I could, which wasn't serious at all considering my blood alcohol level.

"Already calling in for sexual favors I see." I could almost hear him smile slyly "Sorry love, you kept me waiting to long. I'm dating someone now. It's pretty serious."

"I'm not calling for that kind of favor I--" I stopped mid sentence. "You're dating someone?" I asked with a lump growing in my throat.

"Yea!" He said excitedly "We kind of just clicked you know?"

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