If Aelin Was in ACOTAR

Start from the beginning

"What is this?" Amarantha demanded to the Attor.

Make that insane bitch.

"Just a human thing I found downstairs," The Attor purred, and Aelin rolled her eyes.

"Human, I may be, but thing..." Aelin scowled. "You make me sound like I'm disgusting to look at, like I'm some sort of creature. If anything, you're the one here who I'd call a thing."

Amarantha's eyebrows rose. "You have quite the mouth for someone who was caught." Her eyes flicked to the Attor. "Why should I bother with her?"

Aelin, feigned offense, looking as though she'd been punched. "I'm offended!"

Rhysand, who was standing beside Amarantha, watched silently. Tamlin was on Amarantha's other side, something like shock and fear on his face.

"A little more hope please, Tamlin?" Aelin requested. "I'm here to save your sorry ass."

Amarantha glanced between them, shock lighting in her eyes. "You were the girl at the Spring Court," She breathed. "The one Tamlin found."

Aelin gave Amarantha a devilish smirk. "I think the rumor was the beautiful and talented female the High Lord of Spring had held hostage, but if you're talking about the same girl, then yes, that would be me."

Amarantha's mouth tightened into a thin line. Oh, she is pissed, Aelin noticed with no small amount of pride. Aelin barely caught Rhysand's near inconspicuous smile as if he'd read the the thought.

"If you've come to claim your love to him--"

Aelin made a show of looking disgusted at the idea. No, she had not fallen in love with Tamlin, even if that was how the curse was to be broken. But she still couldn't leave him, Lucien, and the people of Prythian at the hands of this bitch. "Hell no," Aelin claimed and everyone looked at her with surprise. "I've come to save Prythian, and I hate to disappoint you fine people, but I can't exactly trick my feelings into falling for that bastard, no matter who's life was on the line."

Tamlin gave her an incredulous look, and she winked at him. "Sorry darling, but you're not my type."

Amarantha laughed. "And just how do you think you're going to do that?"

"Allow me to enlighten you," Aelin started, pulling out of the Attor's grip. He lunged, but Aelin merely huffed a fire-y breath and the Attor was ashes. The crowd murmured and took a step back as she took a casual step toward Amarantha. "I have a shit ton of fire magic that I'd been scraping up for days, just waiting to burn more than that bastard to ash. I realized that you control most of the High Lords powers, and figured you would like to keep that power, along with your life." Aelin reached into her pocket, and held out a golden ring. "You see, this ring has a beautiful power. It allows me to suck the magic out of whomever I choose." Aelin glanced at the ring. "Quite interesting, yes?"

The murmuring grew louder as Amarantha blanched. "You're lying."

Aelin's eyebrows rose. "Big risk to take, don't you think? Are you sure you want to gamble this one, Milady?"

Amarantha swallowed, but said nothing as Aelin took another step closer. "But, if you promise to free Prythian of this magnificent curse, I will let you have the ring."

Aelin willed her magic to make the gold of the ring glow, and members of the crowd gasped. "But you're probably right; I am likely lying to save my own life." Aelin put her finger to her chin as if in deep thought. "However, I also might be telling the truth, considering I could burn this place and everyone in it to ash if I wished." Aelin looked up innocently, batting her eyes. "Or am I wrong?"

Amarantha took a shuddering breath, her eyes pinned to the ring. "You win. I agree to your terms."

Aelin grinned. "Wonderful! Now, release these good citizens and I shall give you this ring."

Amarantha closed her eyes and started to chant in a language Aelin did not recognize. There was a flash of light, and everyone murmured as magic was restored to the land.

"Now, for the ring," Amarantha said greedily.

Aelin tossed Amarantha the ring as the seven High Lords started to move to Aelin's side; even Rhysand.

Amarantha smiled as she slid the ring onto her finger, and held it out to them.


"What?" She asked. "Why isn't it working?"

Aelin grinned. "Because it doesn't work you idiot," The High Lords were now gathered in a line, their faces full of fury. "Looks like you were outsmarted by a human girl, Amarantha."

The red haired tyrant barely had a chance to scream.

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