2. Angel's and Security

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2. Angels and Security

I may have let something important slip out during dinner because of how much I had to drink.Everyone's reactions about it well you could say 'Heart attack'.  Their first words to me were........

"Your what........?

"How's that even possible."

" Are you serious?"

" Your joking right?"

"Damn. I thought you were a beautiful person but know those thoughts have crossed a whole new level."

"Okay........um......yes I'm serious. I've been like this since my birthday when I turned seven. do you know how hard it was for me to keep this secret from you guy's this long? I don't even know how it's possible. Now that you all know the truth do you want me to show you ?"

"Yes we do." they all said at once.

"K lets all go to the old abandoned church for more secure space and reasons. I can show you when we get there, just follow me. "

"Do you want to ride with us or drive your self there?" Dad asked.

" I'll drive." I say.


We get to the church and out of the cars. Thats when Lisa Rich asked me 'How are you going to show us?' My answer was just simple.

"Like this."I ran forward away from everyone and took off into the air.

As soon as I was in the air my huge beautiful white wings unraveled. There was one thing I still didn't expect was Adam coming up beside me with him having beautiful white wings too. That though me off guard. I almost went face first down into the brick half of the old church.

"What the.........How is that possible Adam you can't be serious?"

"Oh it's possible. I'm just like you, we both have wings and powers." Adam told me.

we were heading straight for our parents, but when they saw us there was collective gasp from the area.

"Oh my." 

"But how?"

" I still don't understand."

"We probably never will darling." Dad was the last one to speak like he couldn't believe what he was seeing either.

We started coming together learning more when we flying together and then more I learned about him it seems I started to want to fall in love with Adam more and more.

We started our descent toward our parents one of the thing he thought was funny was when he snuck up behind me and then appeared in front of me again; he kissed me but when I tried one of my powers on him, he dodged out of the way. 

Of course our parents saw it and also had smiles on their faces and I figured they would and thats when the heat in my face started rising. 

so we landed on the ground next to them and they just couldn't find anything else to say. I was glad they didn't.

Adam decide to piss me off by wrapping his arm around my waist but even though I was starting to fall for him didn't mean anything. Our parents had approving looks but I didn't, so while he wasn't paying attention  I use my powers to manipulate him and make him think of something else but he didn't, so I used heat reaction; which makes body heat up enough that It'll make a person move in a hurry or engulf myself in flames or just small ones that I can use for anything thats needed. 

As soon as I used the heat reaction, he pulled away his arm with a gasp and a few curses to go along with it. 

Hey it was his fault that he got burnt because he should have gotten the hint when I tried my powers earlier that I wasn't amused by anything that he'd been doing.

"So by your reactions I'm a guessing that you like what you've seen but are also still wondering how it's possible?" Both Adam and I said together.

"Yeah we still want to know more about this butI'm going to guess you can't say because of secure reasons."

"Yeah for security purpose reasons." was all I said for my answer.

" I'm positive that we both have our reasons!" Adam smirks towards them but turns a full out grin on me.

One thing I was certain of, he wouldn't be getting the chance to bug me about everything like may try. Why? Because I'm not going to let him anyway.

The Fallen Angels of Emeralds and Silence By Hallie ShappellWhere stories live. Discover now