"A! FUCKING PUT THE GUN DOWN!" They all put their guns down and immediately I fell to the floor with an unfamiliar feeling arising in my body. 

As I tried catching my breathe, It fell silent for a couple seconds until Aella's friend starting laughing then A and the other guy joined in. Filled with rage I got up, fists balled up, I looked Aella straight in the eyes.

"Are you guys fucking serious right now? How in the fuck is this even remotely close to being funny? I could've gotten shot. You know how stressful it is to have three guns pointed at you? A, since when do you know how to hold a gun? Let alone know how to shoot it? Is this how it's gonna be living here? Minding your business and having guns pointed at you because if it is i'm leaving right now!" I couldn't believe what was happening.

It was quiet once again and then A started snickering. I looked at her with pure anger, acting as if this was normal.

"You know what, no, fuck this, I'm leaving I'm fucking done with this bullshit."

I went to the drawers and started throwing my clothes back in the duffel bag nobody was stopping me until Aella finally spoke up.

"Aubrey, where are you gonna go? We're in Italy, you don't know this area."

"I don't know Aella, i'll figure it out myself. No need to worry about me anymore."

Once I had finished throwing everything in I closed my bag and started to walk past them.

Aella's friend stopped me and grabbed my bag out of my hand and stared at me aggressively.

"Stop your bullshit and get downstairs. I'm not gonna deal with any of your childish games. Whether you like it or not, you're part of this problem now, so we can either do this the nice way or the hard way."

I was still angry but seeing his eyes and how dark they got made me rethink that continuing this fight wouldn't be a good idea. So when I didn't say anything, he smirked

"I thought so." after that him and his friend walked out and I heard his friend say, 

"What the fuck is Aella doing here?" but then they began arguing in Italian. Aella looked at me, then walked out following right behind them.

Is she seriously doing this right now? I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her but she's gonna brush me off like this? Pure Bullshit. 


Once I collected myself and wiped the tears off my face, I headed downstairs to what Aella's friend called a 'meeting'. 

I went down the stairs and noticed the photos hanging on the wall. Pictures of different guys greeting and hugging each other as if they were genuinely having a great time. They looked happy. 

When I reached the bottom of the stairs I realized how lonely the house was. The house was massive and you would think that they had tons of people living here but it was completely empty. I started to wonder about the past of this house and what it would be like to live here but I realized I had been standing in the same spot for quite a while and if I didn't make my presence known, I was afraid Aellas friend would come back for me.

 I opened the squeaky door and walked in and immediately all eyes were on me. Some of them looked confused wondering what I was doing here and some looked like they were ready to kill me. I looked around the small room to see if there was any way I could see what was going on in front.

I tried to move to the sides to see if I could see anything, I contemplated whether or not to push to the front but seeing how bug these guys are, I decided to just watch from a distance. 

Fucking hell, why is everyone so huge. 

I was finally able to make out what they were saying. 

"Also we're going to need to have more eyes open to anything suspicious and more coverage of the house until we can get this situation under control"

Under control? What the fuck is going on. It almost sounds like we're gonna get attacked. Am I in the middle of a fucking war right now?

I was lost in thought when Aella's friend ended with

"Have backups and be prepared for anything"

I looked around for A so I could at least figure out what was going on. I finally spotted her talking well more like arguing with the same guy that was in our little upstairs situation we had earlier.It looked heated, he had her backed up in a corner and he had his hands on her face forcing her to look at him. From the looks of it, I became worried and decided to break it up. 

"Hey A, what's going on?  What are they preparing for?" I said rushed. The guy looked at me for a good minute until Aella told him something in Italian. He looked at me and turned around and began ordering guys on what to do. I got sucked back into reality when Aella started talking.

"Look Aubrey, it's too much to explain right now and I don't think you're ready to hear it"

"Ready??.. A, I just had guns pointed at me with no fucking warning.. And i'm pretty sure I just took part in a cult so please tell me what you think I can't handle?"

"Aub, I don't have time for this right now". She said in a moody tone.

She's really gonna try and brush me off again like I'm doing too much?

She was about to walk away when I stepped in front of her.

" I fucking deserve to know what's going on.. whether I can handle it or not. I'm not gonna keep running from something when I don't even know what or who is chasing me! Fuck A! Stop treating me like I'm a fucking child!" I was finally on the brim of losing my shit again.

She looked at my eyebrows scrunched together. Most likely furious that I yelled at her in front of everyone.

"Alright Aubrey, i'll tell you later but not now because I have stuff to take care of, now please sit here and don't get yourself in trouble."

I was a little offended that I was being treated like a child but more relieved that I was finally going to get the answers I was looking for, but then it processed what she just said.

"...Wait what do you mean "you have stuff to take care of "? What am I supposed to do just sit here and...."

Before I could finish my sentence she had walked off yelling at some guy in Italian. And went off with him around the corner.

"Well.. I guess."

 I looked around and everyone was running around packing bags.  Knowing that I was most likely going to get in the way of all this I headed outside to breathe in some fresh air. 

I noticed the door which led to the balcony and I walked out, but as soon as I did, the world and all my problems seem to diminish around me, the view this man had was quite picturesque and breathtakingly beautiful. The trees around capture the perfect view of the boats floating on top of the water. 

 There were smaller homes around this one all laid out around the mountains making them look as if they were just freshly painted and hung on a frame. Even the air here was beautiful. The smell of the air was cleaner than New York's I'll tell you that much. 

 For a second I completely forgot that I was being chased by some guys and stuck in a house where everyone hates me. I continued to look out and ignored everything around me. It was peaceful and gun-free, almost close to being normal. 

Escape // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now