Aellas POV

After what happened with Luca I knew it would be best to just leave him until tomorrow. I decided to just continue with my plan and turned back in Aubrey's direction,

"When you're done making food, meet me back upstairs in your room, we need to do some research." she just looked at me and nodded. I turned around and proceed to go back to Alessandro's office and grabbed his laptop and a notebook that he kept in the first drawer which held tons of info. Once I reached the room, I saw Aubrey sitting on the bed with a sandwich in her hand. Ever since i've known Aubrey, she always managed to have some sort of food with her at all times. I guess she noticed my face looking at her sandwich and gave me a duh look,

"I made one for you too in case you were worried that both of them were for me." I looked at the bedside table and noticed another sandwich placed there as well, I grabbed half of it and laughed. As I sat on the bed she turned to look at me,

" So what's up A?" I sighed and proceed to inform her of the plan.

" Alright so since Alessandro wants to figure shit on his own, we are going to do the same." she gave me a confused look,

"What do you mean? What are we gonna do?" I opened the laptop and said,

"We my friend, are going to figure out who the fuck these guys are and what exactly they want." I handed her the notebook,

" There is numbers and peoples names in there, when I say a name look it up and write the number down on a seperate piece of paper."


"Because my dear Aubrey, I did a couple side jobs for them and these people owe me a couple favors, they have some sort of connection with the gang that is after us and for their sakes, they will give us info."

"What kind of favors A?" I shuddered at the thought of what I had to do to get respected and feared around here, but I doubt Aubrey can stomach that.

"Lets just say, its better you don't find out." she just looked at me and nodded.

"Alright, but can we trust them?" Aubrey asked me with a hint of confusion laced in her voice.

"To be honest with you, not at all, but that's not what we should be worried about, we have to make them trust us. I've been gone for so long that im not sure whether they'll help us, but we have to try." Aubrey got lost in thought for a moment before responding with a big smile plastered on her face,

"Where do we start?" I just smiled and shook my head. I opened up the laptop and typed in the password that I knew he would never change. The day we met, 0513. As I was navigating through his computer I noticed a file that seemed locked and if I knew anything about him, I knew that's where I would find the info I needed. As I was struggling to get the password, there was a knock on the door, Aubrey froze. I got up to open the door and turned to Aub,

" Aubrey hid the notebook under the bed." she snapped back to reality and quickly tossed the notebook under the bed. I composed myself before opening the door, but when I opened the door I was shocked to say the least. The person had a big smile on his face and quickly wrapped me in the biggest hug ever. He stuck his face in my neck and whispered,

"I fucking missed you killer." He let go of me and when I looked at him, I realized how much I had missed.

"Figlio di puttana! Franco! Look at you!" Franco is Luca's younger brother, it was very easy for you to guess who he was, he was the spitting image of Luca, except Franco would dye his hair black, he would always complain how much he hated the blond hair. He would always say that the girls always fell for the black haired mysterious guy, so he would dye his hair every month, and after three years that part of him hadn't changed. When I saw him for the last time, he was my size and he wasn't as built as he is now, but then again he was 16 when I last saw him. I guess puberty did him well. I think now he's probably taller and bigger than Luca.

He laughed and looked at me

" I see you too grew into your assets my dear Aella." he winked and laughed as I punched him on the shoulder. He dramatically yelped and grabbed onto his shoulder,

"You wound me amore." we both laughed as he leaned onto the door frame.

"Before we continue, have you patched things with your 'I destroy everything because a girl broke my heart and now I can never love again' lover?" he did a horrible impression of Alessandro but continued,

" because if that ship has sailed and you're not feeling him anymore, Im of age now and saved myself for you knowing you would come back for me. My offer from three years ago is still up for grabs, my lonely heart only belongs to you my love." he grabbed my hand and kissed it. We both stared at each other and immediately started laughing like crazy.

"You're such an ass Franco." he gave me one of his million dollar smiles before looking over my shoulder looking at Aub. He pushed me to the side and made his way towards her.

"And who is this exotic woman you have here Aella? Don't tell me you bat for the other team now?" he looked at me and winked, then his eyes widen and he looked at me again

" wait please tell me you bat for the other team, that would be a dream." I walked towards him and slapped the back of his head.

"Ragazzo brutto! (nasty boy) no this is my old friend Aubrey." I turned to Aubrey,

"Aubrey this is Franco, Luca's younger brother." Aubrey shook his hand

"Nice to meet you Franco." He then grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it,

"The pleasure is all mine, thank you for gracing me with your presence." Aubrey blushed. I laughed and looked at her,

" Don't get too excited Aub, this kid flirts with anything that breathes." and just like that Franco let go of her hand and threw himself face first onto the bed and pouted.

" Why do you always have to kill my game Aella, I get your jealous, but your always gonna be my number one." Aubrey and I just looked at each other and laughed. Franco then turned himself on the bed and put his hands behind his head and crossed his feet together.

"So how did the killer run away and manage to hide from a whole nation of gang members?"

As I was about to share my adventure with Franco when his phone rang,

"Yes.... with Aella.... Oh ok alright relax.. I'll be down there in a minute." he hung up the phone and looked at me,

"I take it you haven't talked to my brother?" I threw my head back in frustration,

"I've been meaning to but he wont give me the time of day, you of all people should know how he is, he's not going to talk to me." he got up from the bed and stood in front of me,

"He'll come around Aella, he loves you, we all do." I just looked at him and nodded.

"I'll see you later, duty calls." he kissed the top of my head and winked at Aubrey and left. I turned to look at Aubrey who was grinning from ear to ear,

" I like him." I just looked at her and laughed. 

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