Chapter 11: Ubu

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Of course, he didn't listen and tracked Ubu anyway, sneaking out of the manor he makes his way to Ubu's and opens the balcony door to throw the man off on where he is.

"You don't give up do you?" Ruby asked walking over to him in the training suit she was given.

It was basically a dark red turtle neck long sleeve dress with black ruffles at the bottom, dark red stockings, and black boots with red soles.

And of course, she had her cape with her family symbol pinned to the side of it.

"What are you doing here?"

The Huntress rolls her eyes "Keeping you from killing Ubu. Unfortunately, because of the fact you're a handful, I have to look after you even without your dad telling me too."

The young assassin was about to speak when the door opens to Ubu and two harlots.

Ruby wrinkles her nose disgust at what the women are wearing "That's just wrong." She muttered.

"Bar's to your right." Ubu said walking away to put his coat away.

"Make yourself at home."

Both women smiled at each other and while the purple haired girl went to get a drink the dark skinned one looks around the place.

"Ah, hope there's no camera's in here." She said as she walks towards the glass door and shuts it.

"And you're going to have to keep this window shut if you want me to take my things off."

Realizing that he never opened the balcony door he brings out his gun and walks round the room.

"Here" the purple haired woman said trying to hand him a drink.

Telling her to be quiet, he walks passed her "Hey!" she said a little surprised.

Kicking down the bathroom door he looks around and sees nothing.

Walking to a closet he said, "I'm going to give you to the count of 3."


He opens fire scaring the dark-skinned harlot that was standing next to him.

Walking over to it he kicks it down and points his gun.

"He's mine!" Damian said as he jumps down from the skylight.

Sighing Ruby jumps down with him and watches as he dodges a shot from the gun and punches the big man.

Ruby looks at the women "Leave harlots," she said glaring at them.

Not asking twice both girls made a run for it. "I'm not getting paid enough for this!" one of them said.

The young girl shakes her head but her attention is brought back to the fight as Damian jumps on the table but Ubu used his strength to tilt it.

Making the assassin lose his balance.

Acting quickly, he grabbed his clawed gauntlets and advanced on the young boy.

He mainly shielded himself from the young assassin's attacks that was until he managed to slice the front of his shirt.

Growling he trips Ubu and kicks him away, getting up instead of going after Damian, Ubu goes after Ruby, taking Crescent Rose out she deflects his attacks.

Spinning the scythe around she makes his arms opened wide and kicked him away from her.

Both preteens then advance him and were actually pretty good team.

Damian swiped at the giant man a couple times making him step back, pushing his sword out of the way Ubu tries to hit him in his side but Damian suddenly turns to the side to reveal Ruby pressed against his back.

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