Chapter 10: Getting Answers

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Ruby looks around at what she could see from the side walk as all three of them waited for Alfred to show up.

Everything was Rudimentary to her, even the none translucent scroll that some people were holding "It's surprises me on how rudimentary everything is." She stated.

"Not everyone was born in a place that has state of the art technology." Damian stated.

Ruby brings out her scroll "I'm just saying. It's old fashioned, not including your dad's stuff of course." She said as she expands the screen and began to play a game.

Bruce looks at the scroll in shock "What is that?" he asked.

"It's a scroll, it's basically Remnant's version of a smart phone. But as you can see it's much superior but it's no surprise. Grandfather told me that the people of Remnant have a natural clean energy source that they use." Damian explained.

The business man looks straight ahead in thought, maybe Ruby could help him update his tech.

Just as he thought this, Alfred pulled up opening the door Damian holds his hand out to Ruby. The Huntress raised an eyebrow at his chivalrous behavior "Now you're being a gentleman?" she asked as she takes his hand and gets inside.

"I can be a gentleman if I wanted to. You're just a hand full most of the time." He stated.

Ruby scoffs "The last part is my line." She stated as he got in.

"Alfred is to take you directly home. No stops. You will not go off on your own for any reason. You will stay away from the Batcave computer. And you will stay out of sight. Do you understand?" he said sternly.

"I owe my grandfather a death." Damian stated.

Ruby groans "Seriously?!"

"Ruby try to keep him out of trouble. You're the only person that he actually is ok to be around." Bruce said to the silver eyed girl.

"I'll try, but he can stubborn at times."

With that Damian closes the door.

As they drove away Damian was looking at her with a glare "I don't know why you don't want revenge. It was one of your relatives doing that made my grandfather's death even more possible."

The huntress grabs the front of his shirt angrily, "Don't bring my family issues into this Damian. We may be related but Jasper is not my family. Her entire family lost that chance when they killed one of our own. You don't kill family."

"All the reason to get vengeance, out of jealousy they slaughtered their own blood and kill without honor. you said it yourself, she attacked you because of some twisted rite of passage that their family takes. That involves a member of the Rose family being killed."

"My answer is no Damian. We're staying at the manor whether you like it or not!"

"We'll see." He muttered and with that the rest of car ride back home was silent

Time Skip...
In the middle of the night at Arkham Asylum, Batman is walking with Commissioner Gordon to Croc cell.

Opening the cell, they were met with a more primal Croc whose scales are falling off.

"Croc's still coming down from whatever juice he was on" Gordon declared.

"The drugs he was staling were mutagens. I think we have a pretty good idea for whom."

"He's too far gone to interrogate." Gordon looks at the Dark Knight "And if he wasn't I'm not sure he'll talk."

"Let's find out." Batman said walking forward.

He stops a few inches away from Croc just out of the reach of his snapping jaws. "You're falling apart, Croc. You're even shedding your scales."

"It's over. You got the last fix you're going to get from Langstrom. Where is he?"

The villain looks him and said, "Screw you."

Looking down at the crocodile themed villain's falling apart tail, he rips if off without any trouble.

Croc roared blood murder at the pain.

"They're afraid to medicate you, Croc. They don't want to get too close." The dark knight proclaimed and throws the tail away.

Moving closer he said, "But I'm not afraid. You help me I'll help you."

Once he got everything he could out of Croc he made his way to Langstrom's place and looks around.

Shining a light on the dining table he found a shuriken, plucking it off he inspects it before continuing his search.

Walking into Langstrom's lab he looks around for anything but found it littered with old papers, it's like he suddenly got up and ran.

He stops and looks behind him to see a light shining from the floor.

Opening the hatch, he jumps down and found a room filled with manbat's that were made with different animals.

Mainly since there's a manbat with feathers.

The Dark Knight walks forward but stops when he comes across a ripped opened cage.

Hearing footsteps, he points his light at the ceiling and saw a gorilla looking manbat.

Roaring the manbat jumps down and slams his fist on ground to hit Batman.

But he just rolled out the way and brought out a Batarrang, unfortunately he didn't have time to throw it as the Gorilla-Man Bat strikes again.

Moving out of the way throws the Batarrange but the Gorilla-Manbat deflects it with his hand.

Bringing out his taser he shoots the cords, the manbat looks at them in confusion but he didn't have to wait alone as electrocuted him.

But even after that it was still up. Tackling the Dark Knight, they went through the wall.

Managing to push the creature off of him, he uses his Bat grapple to swing to safety.

The manbat on the other hand fell to the ground and got up but then falls again finally dead.

Walking over Batman bends down but a sound caught his attention, looking up he saw a remote controlled mini airplane that was heading right for the building.

Grappling to some water silos he watches as the plane crashes into the building setting it on fire.

Putting multiple bombs on the beams of the water silos, he sets them off making the silos fall into the fire and put it out.

Everything was now destroyed except for another Shuriken.

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