Chapter 13: Robin and The Huntress

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The next night, Damian and Ruby who were now dressed in the Robin and Huntress outfits ran across the roof tops with Batman as they follow him.

But Ruby made some changes, like switching out the black cape with her red one and have her symbol working as a clip on the right side, and she had on see-thru black stockings.

And thanks to Batman, her utility belt now can hold the sum of dust and ammunition she still had when she first came to the League of Assassin's.

Turning her head, she saw Damian stop and just stood there "Come on slowpoke no time for a pose to make you seem mysterious" Ruby giggled at how the new boy wonder was trying to act all cool and mysterious.

"Oh, be quiet." Damian said to the huntress.

"See you didn't even deny it!" "Shut up!"

Meanwhile at the Bat-Signal roof, Commissioner Gordon was waiting for the Dark Knight to show up.


Said man looks up behind him "Oh, is there any way you could show up without raising my blood pressure?" he asked.

Jumping down he looks back as both Ruby and Damian finally made it to the roof.

"Another one? And who's the girl?" he asked.

"I'll explain later."

"He's on ICU. Still under sedation. We searched his place. Nothing much there."

"But we did find one interesting Item." He said going into his coat pocket and bringing out a small zip locked bag.

Damian quickly grabs it, which was grabbed by Ruby "Don't need to be rude and snatch things." She said as she looks at it herself.

But it wasn't for long since Batman grabbed it "Hey!" the Huntress said crossing her arms and pouts.

But the Dark Knight ignores her as he looks down at the piece of paper with numbers on it.

"Whose number is it?"

"It's a Phone Sex..." He looks down at the two preteens.

They raised their eyebrows at him "Uh, a phone chat line." He said correcting himself.

The new heroes looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders deciding to keep quite on the fact they already got the talk.

"But that's not the interesting part. It's what's written on the other side."

Turning it around the Dark Knight takes a good look at it.

"Thanks Gordon." Batman said handing the bag back to him.

"No problem."

"We're leaving." The Dark Knight said jumping off the roof onto another.

Damian soon followed, Ruby turns towards the commissioner and said, "It was nice meeting you Mr. Gordon!" she waves goodbye and jumps off and catches up to Damian and Batman.

Making it to the Gotham Coliseum, Batman looks at it and thought as he thinks back to the times his dad would bring him here.

"Dad used to bring me here for ball games. Sometimes, afterward, we'd go to the amusement park." He said out loud.

"And now, history is repeats itself." Damian said as he jumps down "Let's go."

Ruby sighs and shakes her head "Already jumping the gun."

Jumping down themselves, they caught up to the new boy wonder and Batman grabbed him by his cloak.

"We made a deal. You're back up and this is not a game. Think before you act." The Dark Knight proclaimed and hands him binoculars.

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