Chapter 6: Secrets and past revealed

Start from the beginning

Akiko's pov

Hearing the multiple laughter around me I opened my eyes. Groaning I turned my head and the light pierced my eyes sharply causing me to squint them. Slowly they adjusted, and I looked around at everyone who stood over me.

"Am..I dreaming?" I asked.

"Ow!" I shouted after feeling a sharp pinch on my side.

"Are you awake now?" He asked with a big grin on his face.

"Ha-ha very funny..that wasn't very nice." I said and pinched him back.

"Ow, hey!" He shouted in pain.

"That's payback." I smirked.

Everyone else started to laugh again and the laughter soon died down. I sat up and stretched my arms and let out a large sigh in content.

"Am I really on Earth?" I asked as I looked around at everyone in disbelief feeling like it was too good to be true.

"You're asking a lot of questions already." Jeremy said.

I looked over at him and realized it was Jeremy who had talked through the computer to Lyoko.

"What more proof do you need?" Yumi asked as she smiled softly.

"It just feels unreal is all." I responded back.

I slowly got up and stretched my legs and arms again. I exhaled deeply and did a cartwheel away from the others.

"I'm still as flexible as ever! It's feels so good to be alive again!" I exclaimed.

"Now that you're here. Can you explain to us why you were imprisoned by Xana?" Jeremy asked.

I lowered my head slightly and looked away letting out a sigh.

"We want to help you Akiko, but we can't if you don't tell us what happened. Xana most likely will launch an attack and try to grab you, or plant a bug in you like he has with me before." Aeltia explained putting a hand on my shoulder.

I lifted my head looking over at her. I noticed the others all staring at me and I bet tons of questions were going through their head right now trying to think of what it could be.

"Well..okay then." I mumbled loud enough for the other to hear.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Aeltia began to smile ever so slightly. I was lead to the elevator and up to the computer room where everyone sat down or stood then looked at me waiting for me to start.

"Alright..I guess I start from the beginning." I told them.

*Flashback Starts*

"It started eight years ago. I was only 6 years old..well I was 6 years old when it started. I was playing in the snow while my father watched me from afar keeping a close eye on me. I ran to go get a stick for my snowman's arm. The snow was deep and covered the ground it was about 3 feet deep and luckily the branches were low enough for me to reach them. I noticed that branch and began to reach up for it. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed something black. Turning my head two adult men were standing next to me. One tried to grab me, but I ran before he could get a good enough grip. My father was nearby and saw this, picked me up, and started running with me in his arms. He carried me into the house, into a hidden passage leading to the sewers and then into this very same factory into this computer room. Setting me down he began to type on that computer and we both went down to the scanner room. He told me to go inside one of the scanners. I obeyed and stepped in while he entered another one across from me.

"See you in a minute my dear."He assured me before the doors closed to both of our scanners.

Closing my eyes I felt myself being transported to somewhere but wasn't exactly sure where. A few minutes later I landed on the ground with a thud. Getting up I noticed I was surrounded by mountains and rocks which is the mountain sector. Looking around I wasn't sure what to do. I walked for a minute looking for my father, but I didn't see him. I felt my adrenaline and fear kick into overdrive and I began to run trying to see if I could spot him. After a while of looking around I slowed down to a stop and went behind a nearby rock sitting down I cried wanting to see him and know where he was. I sniffled multiple times and lifted my head getting the feeling someone was there with me. I lifted my head up all the way and after wiping my eyes my vision began to clear and it was a strange looking figure who had its back to me. Turning around they walked over and it was a strange man dressed in black with an odd marking on the front of his chest. I got nervous thinking it was one of the men in black, but I wasn't sure what to do. I was in a strange place with my father missing. The man walked over and crouched down in front of me.

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