Chapter 40 Part 1: Semper Occultus...

Start from the beginning

Verushka attempted to comb back her hair through soiled fingers and only resulted in tangling it further in the nest. She gave up on the futile endeavour and knocked on the door.

No answer.

She knocked once more, then three times, and still nothing.

Perhaps there was no one in at present, and if there were she realised that she bore no secret insignia or card to prove herself trustworthy. Verushka sighed and rested her head against the splintered door. She took a deep breath and a memory fell into her mind like a saviours dangling rope and she whispered it into the gap between the frame.

"Semper Occultus..."

The lock clicked and a burly man in breeches opened the door. "...In Regnum Defende."

Verushka could have wept for joy. "What is the time, Sir?"

The man's gaze swept over assessing her visage. "Half after two. But, presumably you did not come here looking for the time."

"No, I did not. But if you are correct, we may still have a chance of saving the Queen." Verushka ensured that she presented enough intrigue to gain entrance.

"Inside," the man instructed briskly.

Verushka stepped through and the door shut immediately. The room beyond was small and yet serviceable with a single desk and three chairs. It possessed a tiny makeshift stove in the corner and documents lay scattered upon every available surface. This was certainly not a lavish headquarter for Her Majesty's Secret Service, but it would serve its purpose.

"Care to tell me who you are, little lady, before we address your allegations about our Queen?"

Verushka had already planned her answer during her debacle with a certain tree. These were dangerous times and one had to be careful in every action. "I am in the employ of Agent Zay and I must send a message to him immediately."

"And he informed you of this location to send such information?" The man eyed her warily.

"It was the only place that I could think to come at such a time. The Queen is in danger, Sir, and every second that we waste in this futile interrogation is perhaps seconds taken from her life."

"You speak well for someone who looks like a servant." The Agent frowned in careful assessment. "What is your name?"

"I was taught well. And we both know that I will not give you my name, but you can call me..." Verushka paused for an inspirational code name but her mind was unfortunately still under the covers of her bed with her kitten.

"Cat," she answered with a minor epiphany.

"Agent Kat?" the other Agent inquired dubiously. "Is that short for Katryn?"

"It is not short for anything. Now all I ask is for a pen and paper to convey a missive to Agent Zay."

"I have one horse at my disposal. Do you not wish to take the message to him yourself?"

"I cannot ride," Verushka responded hastily as she searched herself for the utensils that she needed.

"I'm sure that you know the peculiarity of your situation dictates that I investigate this further," the man softened his tone to one of affected apathy.

"Yes," Verushka sighed frustrated, "But I also know that sometimes you have to use your own reasoning rather than the rule book. Listen carefully and then decide. I have overheard a man, in the course of this morning, speak with James Hadfield in Bedlam when I was visiting my sickly cousin. He asserts that he intends to kill Her Majesty today." Verushka waggled the shreds of the paper she still carried in his face.

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