Stranded on Endor

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General Leia's escape pod crash landed on one of Endor's mountains and skidded down the rocky surface. The crash-landing was hard, and one of the Resistance commanders was knocked unconscious when his head hit the escape pod's wall. The pod's other occupants bounced around uncontrollably while the pod moved.

"Hold on to something!" ordered Leia.

Leia grabbed onto a handle in the pod, and the other occupants did so as well. Finally, the escape pod reached the bottom of the mountain and stopped behind a large tree.

"Lieutenant Connix, check on Commander Bex. I'm going out to the planet" said General Leia.

"Yes, General Leia" replied Connix.

General Leia opened the escape pod's door, bringing her out to the planet. She looked over at the tall trees and the forest.

Lieutenant Connix came out of the escape pod along with C-3PO and R2-D2.

"How's the commander?" asked Leia.

"He's still unconscious, but other than that he's all right. He just needs an hour or two to wake up. That was a hard crash. Anyway, what are we going to do? How will we get back to the Resistance?" asked Connix.

"I'm not sure. This planet doesn't have any major cities or settlements, so there aren't very many ships. However, there are villages here built by the planet's native species, the Ewoks. Maybe we could go to one of them. We have a protocol droid here who could help us understand the Ewoks" explained General Leia.

"Yes. I am fluent in over six million forms of..."

"We know. You don't have to explain" interrupted Leia.

"Now let us wait here until Commander Bex recovers. Then we will head on into the forest and find an Ewok village. We will communicate with them and ask them if there are any ships or bases nearby. This planet does see some galactic activity. Biologists sometimes visit it to catalog the life and the fauna, and there was an Imperial outpost here. Even if we don't find a ship, we may be able to send a transmission at one of the bases" said Leia

Leia, Connix and the droids headed back into the escape pod.

"Can you tell us about the Battle of Endor?" asked Lieutenant Connix.

"Yes. Not only was the second Death Star destroyed here, but the Emperor died here too. Returning to Endor brings back these memories for me. The Second Death Star was being built in this planet's atmosphere, and the Empire had the shield generator for the station on the surface. The Rebel fleet arrived on this planet, while I headed for the surface with a rebel force along with Han Solo and Luke Skywalker in order to shut down the shield generator. With the help of the Ewoks, the planet's native species, we succeeded in shutting down the generator, and the Rebel fleet was able to destroy the second Death Star. It was aboard this battle station where Luke Skywalker fought his father, Darth Vader, and defeated him. Vader was redeemed when he saved his son shortly after by killing the Emperor. He died soon after, and Luke escaped the battle station with his body not long before it was destroyed."

"Vader was your father, wasn't he?" asked Connix.


"Did you ever forgive him?"

"Yes, but it was very difficult. I mean, this was the man who helped destroy my homeworld and who tortured me for the location of the Rebel base. But I have learned to separate Anakin Skywalker, my real father, from the monster Darth Vader who did all those terrible things. I know that before he became Darth Vader, he was a good man, a hero who fought in the Clone Wars and did great things for the galaxy

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