Chapter 13

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It was 4 January of 2015, I was here, sitting on a bench outside of a central park. The cold wind was hitting my body like someone was beating me with a hammer. It was straight 9 pm. The night was dark and the shining stars filled the river of black blood. There was not a lot of people in the park, only a few couples were cuddling on the corner tables. Lucky people.

Jayden called me in the morning to meet him at 9 outside the central park. Central Park, I think it was our best meeting point.

I convinced Charlotte to took care of mom. Okay, I know I lied to mom that I was going at Jessica for studies. I also called her to take my back, in case mom called her. I was wearing my pink crop top with the white jacket. Charlotte advised me to wear a denim, I also pulled my hair in a ponytail. This dress looked simple and sophisticated on me for my first date.

Yes, It was my first date with Jayden. Let me correct myself, I was the first time in my life that I was going out with someone. Thinking about it made my cheeks flushed.

My mouth dropped as I saw him stopping his bike in front of me. God !!! he always looks hot in red. He was wearing the red shirt with a black jacket. Every time when I saw him, I fell for him. My love for him grew stronger and deeper.

He ruffled his hair with his left hand and showed his perfect set of white teeth.

"Hi," He encircled his hand around my waist and pulled me closer.

"Hey," I said and smoother his jacket's collar.

He looked directly in my eyes. My heart skipped a beat. What can I do now?

He buried his face on my nap and took a deep breath

"You look beautiful," He whispered in my ears.

I flushed and placed a bang behind my ear

" Let's go," He held my hands in a direction of his bike.

"Wait, where? I think-

"I have a surprise for you," He cut me as he started his bike.

I know I can't take a back from him, so I nodded and join him. This was the first time, I felt so close to him. I put my hand on his shoulders as other people do and he drove away.

He stopped the bike outside the Arclight Hollywood movie theater.

"Movie," I asked as I stepped out from the bike. He didn't say anything but smiled.

We went inside together. My heart sped as his fingers entwined with mine. I didn't mind as I held his hand tighter. He buys two movie ticket and a big bucket of popcorn.

As we entered, The whole theater was already filled with people. We took our seat on the balcony area. He encircled his arm on my shoulder and pulled me little closer.

We saw the whole film together and his hand still resting on my sides. We hugged between the film, we laughed and he put his head on my shoulder. We didn't talk about our past and misunderstandings. We wanted to live our delightful present. We enjoyed the moment together. I felt more alive than before. It felt like coming home on Christmas. Past is like a lesson for me. I understood that never judge mistakes of a people you love unless you know the reasons behind it. I smiled as I got the person back whom I loved.

We left the theater at 12'o clock. As we stepped out of the theater, I checked my phone for any missed call from Charlotte, but there was not any. I smiled as I knew everything was flowing with the plan.

"Hey, I gotta go now," I said

"Wait, where?" He said as he started his bike

"It's late night, Jay,"

"Honey, we didn't eat anything," He shrugged his shoulders

I didn't say anything.

"But, I think you told your mom about night stay at Jessica, am I right?" He raised his brows

"Yes, you are, but I need to go," I pleaded. I don't know why I said this. I wanted to remain in his hands but I felt Its enough for today.

He didn't say anything but smile.

"I respect your decision, come I'll drop you," He said and start the dead engine

"Thank you," I sat behind him as he drove me to my home.

He stopped the bike around one block away from my house.I don't want any neighbor to see me with him.

"So, we'll meet tomorrow, right?" He asked as I stepped out

"Maybe or maybe not," I giggled

He smiled " Come here," He said as he encircled his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. Our face was so close. I can felt his warm breath against my cold face. There was an electric spark between us. I can felt this tension between us since we met.

He looked in my eyes. I can read his eyes, what he wants. maybe is he gonna kiss me? oh my God, right outside my house....

He smiled as he can also read my eyes. He read what I was thinking. So, he didn't take any step. He held my face with both of his hands and leaned closer to his lips. I closed my eyes, as I know what would happen next. But, he kissed on my forehead, then on my right cheek, then left cheek and took a step back. I opened my eyes and saw him standing, wrapping his hands around himself. He smiled and started his bike

"Good night, love," he said

"Good night," I placed my bangs behind my hair.

"Love you," He said and drove away

"But I love you more," I whispered.

"But I love you more," I whispered

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