Chapter 4

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"Where are you?" I called Jayden.

He told me in the morning, that he would meet me in a central park right after the college. I did not sleep well last night. The whole night I was thinking about why he wanted to meet? Okay, that's true I get overwhelmed in every little topic.

I stopped the car in front of the park gate. Central park was not so far from my college, It took only ten minutes for me to get there. I glanced at the wrist watch. 1: 55. where is he?

I was looking here and there when a tall boy waved at me from a far. I smiled, how he was looking right now, waving like a small kid.

I stepped out the car and pulled him a small embrace. Pure masculine perfume and a shower gel smelling from his body.

"Hey," He shrugged his shoulders, and gave me a smile, showing a perfect set of white teeth.

"Hi," I replied.

"Let's go," He said and I followed him.

We entered into a park, there were only several people, who were doing yoga or exercise. It was a daytime, so It was safe for me to meet him.

"Nice shirt," I said. I don't know how to start a conversation, but It's true. He was looking great in red shirt and blue jeans

He smiled and made his way through the stone path, both sides were covered with large bushes.Rose, Mogra, tulip and different flowers enhanced the beauty of the park. I stepped next to him.

"That's good," He stopped at a corner stone table, flicked off the dust from his handkerchief.

"Here, no one can see us," He said as I sat on the stone table.

My fingers were lingering on my lap, nervous trembling on my face, this was the first time I met him in a person. Last time when I met him, I remember he was only 5-6 years, chubby, cute little boy, but now he was totally turned out into a young man, more powerful, more handsome. His hair was clean and perfectly brushed. I was fantasizing him.

He caught me glancing at him from a corner of his eyes, My cheeks turned red. He smiled.

"So," He cleared his throat "How you have been this long?" He continued. His voice sweetly lingered in my ears.

"Huh, nothing interesting," I turned my head, made an eye contact with him.

"I'm doing B.Sc and also taught students," I threw my hands in the air.

"And," He asked

"College and job, then college- job," I continued, he let out the soft laugh.

"Great," He said

"What about you?" I asked

"Me, I'm doing training, these days," He brushed his jeans

"Wow, A navigator," I nodded

"This must be fun," I asked him

"Huh, nooo," He spelled "noooooo" so long

"Wait, why?" I pouted.

"We had to do a training on a ship, away from our parents, and friends, in a middle of an ocean," He continued

I put my hand over his shoulders and squeeze a little. I felt bad for him. How could a person live away from his parents? I can't imagine my life without my mom and dad.

"I can understand, It is difficult," I assured him with a smile.

He was looking directly looking in my eyes. I was a different feeling for me. No one ever seen into my eyes like he did.

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