Peter Pan: Gorgeous Bad Boy

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Being a huge fan of Once Upon a Time I had to write this. Here's to all the Oncers 💗


All you have to do, Henry, is believe in me.

It was late Friday night and I just finished my favorite show of all time. Oh I'm getting ahead of myself. My name is Allie, I have dark brown, medium length hair and emerald green eyes.

So I went up to my room and texted my friend for a few minutes when my clock beeped 11:00. I groaned and flopped down on my bed. My head was going back and forth with what Peter Pan told Henry to do.

I decided to do it. I knew it was just a show but I was tempted. I went to my window and climbed out to my balcony. I stood in the dark alone except for the illuminating moon and the stars. I stood there for a second and took a deep breath.

"I believe," I said into the dark.

I knew nothing would happen. I walked back to my window, when the wind picked up. I turned around and saw a dark figure in the light of the moon. When I say dark figure, I mean dark.

This thing was completely black with two white, glowing eyes. My heart was racing, I wanted to run but my feet held fast, I stood there motionless. It really worked, I thought, but it was just a show.

The figure came close and stopped in front of me. I breathed slowly and in the blink of an eye the shadow grabbed my arm and hoisted me into the night sky. Then everything went black.


Hey there sorry this chapter was short but it was just the intro. Trust me, the chapters will be longer later on.

"Peter Pan never fails."


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