"Has he stopped teaching you?" Kellin asked.

"No," Brendon mumbled. "He still does but only when I'm really battling in classes. He won't show me extra things anymore."

"How long has he been friends with her?" I asked.

Brendon shrugged. "He barely spoke or hung out with her before."

"Before what?" Kellin asked.

"Well before you broke your leg and we came to see you in the medic bay," I explained. "It was the first time I'd met her."

"It's like he rediscovered her or something," Brendon muttered.

"Well find out her name and let's see who she is," Kellin said cheerily.

A huge thump at our door had the three of us close to heart attacks. I looked at Kellin with wide eyes, knowing exactly what and why there was knocking. My gaze drifted to the empty top bunk and my heart started to sink into my stomach.

Another hard knock.
"Lights out!" screamed the voice outside.

Kellin scrambled to switch the lights off and the three of us sat in silence, our breathing ragged as we waited for the door to be flung open and the truth that Ryan was out of bed after hours to be discovered.

But the knocking had stopped and we heard the voice moving down to a different room. I thanked all the gods that the teacher on duty was a lazy one, not really bothering to open the doors and count bunks.

"Where is he?" Brendon hissed into the dark. "He's been gone for hours."

"He's never been caught before," Kellin replied. "Maybe his luck will hold."

"Vic you should go get him," Brendon said suddenly.

"Why me?" I asked, a little annoyed at the request.

"Because you can teleport," Brendon explained. "Nobody else here can."

"That's not fair," I snapped, "you know I can't do it by will."

It wasn't a lie. Sure, I could teleport - but only when I was frightened and I never really chose where I landed up.

So far I'd only managed to teleport three times. The first time after visiting Kellin in the medic bay, the second time when we'd almost been caught by a teacher and the third time when I'd tripped and fallen off the launching pad. Instead of falling a thousand feet - I'd teleported down to the ground.

The first time I had landed up in our dorm, which was just a lucky mistake I soon discovered. The second time I'd landed up in the gardens and the third, I had literally wedged myself into a hole.

It was unpredictable and this terrified me. I always ran the risk of teleporting into a wall or leaving an arm or a leg behind.

"Well then I have no plan," Brendon sighed. "Unless one of you know an invisibility spell, Ryan's on his own."

"That seems to be the case more often than not," I mumbled, rolling over in his bunk.


I knew better than to make the inaccurate assumption that Ryan had feelings for her.

Abracadabra, You're Gay (Kellic) Where stories live. Discover now