Hell On Earth ✔ part 11 :)

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Chapter legs 11 ;P


** x-[ Lylas Point Of View ]-x **

My eyes started to sting but i didnt pay attention, Liam was proposing.......to me?! I smiled as the sweet words flooded out his mouth, his eyes turning into a light red, which ment love. A massive grin smacked on to my face as the last of his words hit my ear drums. "...... I am here tonight to celebrate your 19th birthday and to ask for your hand in marriage" His velvet voice decleared, opening a small box to show a engagement ring inside. I starred at his face, getting lost in his handsome features for a few seconds before saying "Yes" On the first stroke of midnight. Gaspes worked its way through the crowd intill they turned into cheers. As i heard the last stroke boom outside towards us i screamed as if two spiked balls were being driven into my eyes. "Lyla!" I heard Liam scream, putting my head in his hands while my nails dug into his shoulders, not even making him wince. I screamed again as i felt a needle going into my eye, draining all of the liquid out of it, replacing it with acid!?!?! I felt someone push their forehead against mine, telling me it will be ok. But it wasnt, it was getting worse!?!? More of the acid like liquid was being put into my eye intill it was filled, then doing the same to the other one. This carried on for a few more seconds intill it slowly faded away, letting me relax my tense arms, breathing heavily, leaning on the person who kept wishpering to me, only now noticing it was Liam. He wrapped his arms round me an picked me up, carring me into the house, putting me on a sofa covered in fur. My bedroom? I still had my eyes closed, thinking if i opened them the pain will come back, i never wanted to feel that pain again. "Lyla can ya hear me?" Liam asked, concern controling his voice. I nodded, not trusting my voice. "Lyla do ya' want to open ya eyes?" I shivered before shaking my head, feeling a wave of concern come off him. I didnt want him to be concerned, i would do anything to see him smile again, even suffer that pain again. I slowly fluttered my eyes open to see Liams mouth hanging open, starring into my eyes. I quickly looked down, feeling my cheeks heating up. I stood up and walked over to the mirror on the wall, being stopped half way by someone grabbing my arm, "Are you sure you want to see right now?" "Yes" I grunted slowly releasing his hold on me and turning to the mirror, looking into my eyes. A hint of violet was still in them but what made me gasp was the shade of blue they were, not to dull or to dark, the brightest of blues where shining from my eyes. I felt a tear roll down my cheek but i was shocked by what i saw in the mirror, where a little trail of blood was left on my cheek, beginning from my eye. "What am I?!" I screamed in my head.


sorry for keeping it short :(

my brain is dead at the moment XD



fannie LOL XD

do what ya got to do :P

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