Hell On Earth ✔ part 4 :o

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Chapter 4 :)

Im on a roll haha :P



I heard a growl from behind me as David span round. Standing there was Lyla. Great.


** x-[ Lyla's Point Of View ]-x **

I pushed past Liam and his stupid brother David. Who had told them???? I ran into the

girls changing rooms and sat in the corner, tears rolling down my cheeks. I pulled my

legs to my chest and rested my head on my knee's. Suddenly the door banged open

and colin came rushing in, his hands turning into fists when he saw my face. Colin

was the only guy, well person, in the school who actually talked to me. We had known

each way before the.....accident. He kneeled down infront of me, trying to look in my eyes

but i looked away, not wanting him to know how i felt.

"You have to tell me sooner or later Ly' , 'cause i aint leaving intill you do" he stated, lifting

my face so i had to look at him.

"Someone's told them about the.......the accident" i muttered, breaking into tears again.

Colin pulled me onto his lap and holded me as i cried into his leather jacket. It seemed

like forever intill i stopped crying, standing up and pulling off my vest, Colin looking down

at his nike shoes. I laughed as i got changed, putting my hood up so no one could see my

red eyes. Colin wrapped him arm around my shoulder and walked me to my next lesson.

But halfway down the hallway i heard someone shout my name.

"Oi White!" Beth shouted at me, her hands on her hips.

"What ya' want, powerpuff" I growled at her. She look scared but soon composed herself.

"Awwww, is the lil princess getting anger," she cooed, slowly waltzing towards me and Colin,"

Ohhh does someone need their mommy.......Oh wait, you dont have-" before she could finish

she was pinned against the wall, her feet aint even touching the ground, my hand around

her throat. The door behind us open and i could smell the mutts behind me, but i didnt care. I was

seeing red.

"Look Here Barbie, you can call me names all you like, you can push me about and spread rumors

about me which arent true, but cant and never will be able to diss me about not having parents.

They'll always be better then your skank mum and drunk dad" I spat in her face before dropping her

to the ground. I span round and glared at Liams shocked face. Mutt's. And stomped off to my next lesson

with Colin following me.

** x-[ Davids Point Of View ]-x **

Crap, she wasnt suppose to know i told him. Edward had giving me instructions. Shit. She pushed

passed me and Liam before runnig off, tears running down her face. Liam started to go after her but

moaned in pain, holding his side. I caught him from falling and carried him to one of the classrooms

with a first aid kit in. I sat him on one of the desk and pulled his T-shirt up. i gasped as nearly his whole

chest was purple and black. I pulled it off and made him lean against a wall.

"You did all thiis for one girl that hates your guts?" i questioned him. He laughed but moaned again as

pain stabbed him in his chest. I was nearly finished when there was shouting outside, I noticed one of

them was Lyla and so did Liam. He rushed to the door and pulled it open to see her choking some one

against the wall.

"Look here Barbie, you can call me names all you like, you can push me about and spread rumors about

me which arent true, but you cant and never will be able to diss me about not having parents. They'll always

be better than your skank mum and drunk dad" She spat in her face before letting her fall to the ground. She

than spun round and gave us daggers before stomping off with the guy called Colin. Boyfriend. Nahhh,

Edward said she didnt have one. I turned back to Liam but he wasnt there. Where was he?

** x-[ Liams Point Of View ]-x **

I was trying to run after her but couldnt even manage a jog, so i ended up fast walking after her, my shirt

in my hand and with girls gasping at my half covered purple chest. I finally found her in a History room,

sitting in the corner with Colin, which made my eyes turn from blue to red. Am i jelous? She looked up

and saw me standing there, but just turned away. I limped over to her and sat on the desk, starring at

her. I was planning on leaning foward and lifting her face, but as soon as i started to i stopped, wincing

at the pain.

"Lyla" i said softly, making her eyes snap to me, her beautiful violet eyes staring deep into my pink ones.

"Im sorry for what has happened to you, im sorry that my kind killed your parents," a tear rolling down her

cheek," I know what its like. You see, my parents were caught between a fight of Vampires and Werewolves.

They took my place init to protect me, they were killed by a vampire. I still feel pain and sorrow for them, even

though it was years ago, I....." I couldnt speak anymore, a lump had formed in my throat, forcing me to stop.

All she did was stand up and walk away....


what do ya think? :)

15 reads this time :P

mwhahaha lol :D

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