Hell On Earth ✔ part 12 :D

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Chapter 12 :)


** x-[ Lylas Point of view ]-x **

I was still starring at myself when i felt someones arms wrapped round my waist, burrowing their chin into my shoulder making me sway from side to side. Another blood red tear ran down my face, making another stain. "I look like a freak....." I choked, making him hug me tighter and growl. "Your not a Freak! You must never say that about yourself'......" I cutted in, spinning round and looking him in the eye, "Yes i am! Look at me! No one will treat me the same anymore, i cry blood and my eyes are the most unnatural blue! I'll stick out like a saw thumb!" I buried my face into his shirt, leaving blood on the beautiful outfit. I groaned as i saw them dry out, putting my head in my hands, making him chuckle. "Its ok, it isnt mine anyway" I smiled and let out a little laugh," I'll always treat you the same, its only ya eyes that have changed, not you. I dont care about the bloody tears or the unnatural eyes, your still my beautiful Lyla, your still the amazing girl i first set eyes on that first day, nothing has changed about you." He gently kissed my lips before pulling me back into his arms. I dont know long we stood there intill i heard a knock on the door and Dasiys little voice calling my name. I pulled away from Liam and wiped away the blood tears on my face before opening the door and falling over with Dasiy hugging my legs. "Lyly!" she kept screaming intill she saw my eyes, her mouth hanging open. "Wow, pretty eyes Lyly" I laughed and pulled her into a hug, tickling her. She started squealing and ran out the room, me chasing her, kicking off my heeled boots. I picked her up as we reached the living room where Colin, Mary, Grandmother and Fred were all talking and landed on the sofa, tickling her again, laughing with tears in my eyes. I heard Mary scream and i looked round to see everyone starring at me. "Lyla! Your bleeding!" Mary cried, rushing over to me, making me confused, "No, im crying with laughter" I stated rolling my new eyes. Then i suddenly knew what they were talking about and wiped away the tears, looking anywhere but at any of them. "Lyly, what is wrong with your eyes?" Dasiy asked, grabbing my hand with her tiny one. I brought it to my face and kissed it, smiling at her. "Nothing is wrong Babycakes, i've just gone through a few changes" I gave the others a look saying i will tell them later so they carried on alking about what they were before i came in."So what are we going to do with the Kings brother" My eyes widened, remembering the events of this morning, jumping off the sofa i ran out the castle, back towards the abandoned house where there should be a blue eyed man tied up. I busted through the door and took the stairs two a a time to see the bathroom door broke in half, a message wrote in blood on the tiled wall. "DONT WORRY PRINCESS WE WILL MEET AGAIN.....SOON" A growl escaped from my throat as i felt pain go through my hand. I looked at it to see blood pouring from where i had hit the wall, two poles had blood dripping from them. I ripped a stripe of fabric off my dress and wound it round my hand tightly before going back to the castle, thoughts and images going through my head. I slammed the door as i walked in, stomping upstairs, ignoring everyones questions as i sent a vase flying across the room. I heard Mary gasp and i turned on her, rasing an eyebrow at her. Tears were falling down her face at this point, making it hard for her to speak. My face softened and i appeared infront of her, giving her a tight hug. " Im so sorry Lyla, we should of told you, we didnt know" Fred choked, pulling both me and Mary into a bear hug. I was about to say something when pain seared through my head, making me fall to the floor screaming in pain, an image piecing together inside my mind. The Kings brother was standing in a dark room smirking as someone in a chair groaned in pain, I could only see the colour of his hair which was dirty blond and he was obvousily a boy by the 8 pack he had. "So Princess i am giving you a choice......give your self up......or your soon to be brother will die in your place" He lifted the boys head and i gasped as i saw it was David, pain attacking my heart as i saw he had cutes all over his face, a black eye and swallon lip. "I will give you intill midnight tomorrow to make your chocie" He smirked again as his nail ran across Davids face, drawing more blood and sending another shot of pain through me, making me scream again before blacking out.

Sorry short again -.-

My brain aint workin :/

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