Hell On Earth ✔ Part 3 :)

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Chapter 3 :o

thought i would of given up by now :L haha

Oh Well



"Lyla, Lyla White" She replied with the smallest smile ever seen before dropping it and

turning back

At least it was a start. . . .

** x-[ Liams Point Of View ]-x **

All lesson i couldnt help flickering my eyes to her, willing her curtain of hair to move so i

could see her beautiful violet eyes. I felt my dull golden eyes slowly turn pink, which also

my cheek's did. What was i doing?? Falling in love with a human? Am i drunk????

I slowly shook my head and glanced back at her, surpirised she was starring back at me.

** x-[ Lyla's Point Of View ]-x **

I knew he was starring at me, i could feel his eyes flickering from Mr. Maoam to me every

30 seconds. I finally got annoyed with him and was going to shout at him when i noticed

his eyes. Pink? My eyes went wide. WHAT????? He cant love me??????????? I saw him

notice me starring at me but i didnt care. I was in shock. CALL 999!!!! I turned back in my

seat, trying to concentrate on the lesson. (HAHA nice one ;P) Werewolves and Vampires

just dont mix?!

"But his sooo hot" my mind head purred. I gritted my teeth.

"Ahhhh shut it, your just made up" i muttered in my head.


Nearly at the end of lesson a note hittting me in the face woke me from my sleep. I moaned as

i rubbed my eyes, getting a glare from the preps in the middle row.

"Ohhh what you lot looking at, go back and put another layer of make up on, i think i see a spot?"

I told the cheerleaders, pretending to pick at a massive spot on their chin. Some gasped and others

screamed while searching for their make up bag's and mirrors. I smirked as i picked up the note

and unfolded it, suddenly making my smile fall.

Hey Lyla,

I was wondering if you wanted to hang out once and a while? =)

Lav Liam [[Xxxx]]

I laughed causing him to frown. He was cute, yes? But then i was giving up on my parents revange.

But then an idea came to my head, making me smile before thinking, will he get mad at me if he found out?

The bell rang as I huffed out before putting a replie and passing it back, jumping up and running out

of the class....

** x-[ Liams Point Of View ]-x **

I watched her hips sway from side to side as she left the class room before opening the note.

Sure, meet me in PE last lesson =)

Lyla [[.Xxxx]]

I smirked as i tucked the note deep in to my jeans, not looking where i was going when i bumped in

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