Hell On Earth ✔

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New Story :P 

Mwhahaha >:D 

this is just off the top of my head so yeah :)


My head snapped up when my sensetive nose got a sent of wet dog fur. 

A new boy stood at the front of the room, hands deep in his pockets and a stupid 

grin on his face. I took a deep breath to make sure i wasnt smelling things, my  

violet eyes turning red. My mouth turned into thin line as i tried to keep a growl 

escaping from my lips. Werewolfs were here? Why?.......

x-[ Five - Hours - Ago ]-x

(8) The club is alive, with the sound of music (8)

My sisters alarm ringing in my head, waking me from a deep sleep. I moaned as 

Justin Biebers high squeaking voice suddenly started booming out of the speakers.

(8) Baby Baby Baby, Oh, Baby Baby Baby...(8)

"Noooooo" i groaned. 

"Yeaaah, my tunes on!" Jasmine sang as she jumped on to her bed, shaking her butt 

while singing into a hairbrush. I bunched my hand into a fist and smacked the wall above 

my head, leaving a massive hole 

"Temper, temper little sis" She cooed, shaking a finger at me. I grunted at her and, before 

she could even think, was locking the bathroom door. 

"Oi, thats cheating!" Jas shouted, propbaly waking the little monsters from next door. 

"Your the only monster here" My mind mocked, making me sigh. I starred into the mirror, 

hoping to a normal 18 year old, black haired, violet eyed girl looking back. But all i saw 

was the badly painted wall behind me. Sometimes being a vampire sucked. (Har Har)

** x-[ While - At - Wolfies - House ]-x **

(8) You with the sad eyes, dont be discouraged.... (8)

My brothers alarm wailing in my ears, dragging me from a deep sleep. I growled as  

Justin Biebers voice suddenly hit my ear drums.

(8) Baby Baby Baby, Oh, Baby Baby Baby... (8)

"Nooooooo" i muttered into my pillow, knowing he would hear me. 

"Hey, his Awsome!" He Shouted from the walk in wardrobe. 

"I worry about you dude" I told him, urni8ng on to my back. 

"Yeah Yeah, whatever," David chuckled, kicking a one of the moving box's out of his way, " 

Remind me why we had to move to this shithole?" 

" 'Cause you went crazy and teared four girls and two guys apart" I explained to him darkly. 

"No need to be all harsh ya' know" he muttered, moving to get his towel. I smirked and before 

he knew it he heard the bathroom door lock. 

"Oi, that was so unfair!" He shouted, making the little beast next door start to cry. 

"Your the only beast in these parts buddy" my head mocked me, making my smile dissapear. 

I turned to the mirror hanging from the wall, starring at my gold eyes, my sharp fangs and my 

untidy hair. Our eyes were the dead give away, but so was the smell, always like wet dogs. The 

eyes showed us our emotions.......red for anger, blue for sadness, pink for lust, dull gold for emptyness, 

grey for confusion. i looked deep into my golden eyes.

Why were werewolves always like this?

** x-[ Lylas Point Of View ]-x **

Cool water drenched my tired skin, making me sigh as i felt the tense in my body slowly relax. After ten  

mintues i got out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my chest and waist, tieing it under my arm. i unlocked 

the door to see a moody Jasmine. I smirked as i walked over to the cloest, picking up a black Tee with 

All Time Low writtten on it, a pair of baggy jeans, a star covered hoodie and some converse's. I quickly got 

dressed and ran downstairs, glaring at the rain pouring outside. My little sister was in the living room, crying 

on the floor. I picked her up and sat her on my lap. 

"Shhhhh, shhhhh, whats the matter babycakes" i asked her, calling her her favourite nickname. She pointed to 

her mouth, making me smile, "Awwww is my little girl's fangs growing" she nodded, a tear rolling down her cheek. 

i wiped it away and cuddled her, telling her it was ok. Jasmine came jumping down stairs then, seeing Dasiy  

crying in my arms, she suddenly became the protective mother. ((Dasiy was her Daughter ;P)) 

"Her fangs are growing out" i informed her, handing Dasiy over. 

"Awwwww, our little Babycakes is growing up, soon You'll be a big kid" she said swinging her around. I smiled as 

i walked outside, pulling up my hood and started to walk to school.

** x-[ Liam's Point Of View ]-x **

First day of school and i was late! 

By two Hours! 

i ran into the office area, where a grim looking lady sat, typing on her computer. I was about to say something 

when she put up her finger to silence me, still typing away. I waited five mintues intill she finally looked up at me. 

"Hi, Im Liam Dark, im new here and this is my first day" i imformed her, smiling. She sighed and started typing 

again. Five more mintues and i heard something printing next to her, she started handing me a planner and a 

timetable before reurning to her typing. 

"Thank's" I mumbled, walking down a hallway, hearing the laughter of some joke. I looked down at my timetable 

and saw i had maths in M4.i ran down another hallway with a sign saying "maths/Science rooms". I reached it 

and knocked on the door three times beofre hearing a "Come in?" I opened the door to see a bunch of 18 year 

olds starring at me, some girls liking what they saw. 

"How may i help you?" A smiling 50 year old man boomed. 

"Hi, ummm, i hink im in your class?" i told him, handing him my timtable, digging my hands in my pockes and 

smiling, big time. I looked round the room intill i noticed a girl with violet eyes starring at me.....

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