Hell On Earth ✔ part 7 :3

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Chaper 7 >:D



** x-[ Lyla's Point Of View ]-x **

Justin Bieber?!?!?! I sat up, blowing hair out of my face, smiling at the events of last night. He loved me for me, he didnt care i was a vampire, and I loved me. Looks like there is a heaven on this ball of dirt called Earth. I carried on smiling even though i knew what was going to happen to me. The vampires will treat me worse then they already were, using mind games on me, making me feel like i was only a liittle speck of dirt. They all thought i had dropped my power, but i still had a chose. Since i am the only person alive with royal blood in my cold dead veins, but so did Jas but she was human, i can still choose to be Queen of the Dead. Edward isnt the proper Hier to the throne.......I am. But one question was still bugging me and i grabbed my towel and ipod speakers, who is going to be King if i do? When i turn 19, which is in a months time, the person in charge at the moment will make me make up my mind, then at 20 i will have to choose a mate? Could it be Liam? I shook my head, the vampire concil will nver allow it. I locked the door as i heard jasmine running for it. I saw the door handle turn, and then a scream, "DAMN YOU LYLA JADE WHITE!" me being able to hear the little boy next door start screaming for his mother. I smirked as i remembered who was living next door. Edward. My eyes went a darker shade of violet as i remembered the day Edward had asked me to become his mate. I smirked as i remembered me growling at him for asking such a question and clawed his face with my hand before bending over and wishpering Never in his ear. You could still see the white scar on his cheek from that day. He had been giving me hell ever since that day 2 years ago. I sighed as i undressed, flickering through the songs on my ipod intill i found the one i was looking for. Liams angel like voice came seeping through the speakers as i stepped into the shower, hot water making my arms and legs more relaxed. Then the second song hit my ear drums, making me smile when i saw Davids face he played this song. He must really love this song. I turned the shower off as my voice came softly through the speakers, I stood there shocked at how sweet and angel like my voice sounded. Was that me? I pulled on a pair of short-like jean's, tying on a white side skirt on with a white t-shirt with Go Audio written on it in black gothic writing, a black short tie, i then blow dried my hair and straightened it, changing the tip of my hair to white before putting on a beanie hat. I had only walked out the bathroom door when i fell to the floor, my hands holding my head and screaming. Someone, mostly a vampire, was torturing me by their mind. I heard a voice speaking but i couldnt pin-point who it was. He was talking to someone else. "BRING HER TO ME! DEAD OR ALIIVE! THE WEREWOLVES WILL WIN THIS WAR, FAIR OR NOT! THE QUEEN OF THE DEAD WILL DIE AT MY FEET BEFORE HER 19TH BIRTHDAY!" then i saw what i was fearing the most. He turned so i could see his face, a scar running down his face from his eye to his mouth and pericing blue eyes starring at me as if i was there. A smirk fell on his face as hair sprouted all over him, making him fall onto all fours and howl to the full moon that was in full view. I screamed again as the pain got worse, as if my head was going to explode! Jas was shouting my name but i couldnt hear her. I was in shock. He was after me. The storys were true. The battle of the Predators was here. I was the cause of it. I had to become Queen of The Dead, one way or the other.

** x-[ Liams Point Of View ]-x **

I stretched as i woke up to the annoying voice of Justin Bieber, but i didnt care. I was in heaven, I had the girl of my dreams and she didnt care that i was a werewolve. I frowned as i remembered one small i forgot to tell her........ well what i was to the people. I was the prince, the only hier to the throne now that David had declined it. I closed my eyes as Lyla's face appeared behind my eyelids. Would she like to become a queen? I will have to ask her, i thought smiling at the image of Lyla trying to look all royal and greeting people as the president or Queen does. Suddenly a voice came into my head, It was my father. "Yes Father?" I asked as i stood up and pulled a vest on. "My son's, the war has began, the vampires have betrayed the treatie, Werewolve blood has been spilled" He annonced, i knew he was linked with David too as i saw his eyes grow, "the Queen of the Dead has just taken her place on the throne, she has begged for a meeting and i have agreed," I growled at this, how could he agree to a meeting with these monsters, they had just killed one of our kind and he is willing to meet them, "Hush son, i will not go alone. You and David will accommadate me, as you be next in line, you will need to know the conditions of the treatie" I grunted in a replie, as if saying whatever. I already knew this was going to end bad.

** x-[ Two Hours Later ]-x **

I had been trying to get hold of Lyla as we drove to the Castle of White, the home of the leaders of the undead. I was getting worried, she had sent me one text saying she had business to take care of, what business???? The Limo stopped infront of the doors, a apair of giant oak doors, the driver getting out of his seat and opening the door for me, David and my father. He looked quite young for the age of 1000, only about in his early thirties. A scar ran down his face and he had bright red eyes, unlike his twin borther, our uncle, who had percing blue eyes and also a scar runnign from his eye to his mouth. The door opened as we walked up to them, a staircase wounded round a stautue in the middle with a golden plate attatched to it. M eyes were drawn to the names of old queens and kings on it, my eyes widened as i read the last two names as a door opened and a servent annonced the arrivel of the Queen. I span round to see her walking down the stairs, her still in her normal clothes but with a gold crown on her head. Her eyes landed on me and she tilted her head to the side and smilled at me, beginning to wave but the person next to her stopped her, giving her a look. She put her head right, chin up and carried on walking down the stairs. I should have been thinking how beautiful she looked but i was seeing red. A Vampire????A VAMPIRE!! i was going out and loving the kind that killed my parents?! "What the hell Lyla!? Your a Vampire?!" I Shouted standing right infront of her, guards rushing to her aid but she waved them off, frowning. "What are you talking about? I've always been a Vampire?" She told me, taking hold of my hand but i pulled it away, backing away. Sadness filled her eyes, but i was too anger. "Why didnt you tell me?!" I screamed, David looking shocked only abit. Father was shaking his head at my performance. Sadness wa replaced with anger in her eyes. "I thought you knew?!What did you hink i was?!" "A HUMAN! I WOULDNT OF KNOWN YOU IF I KNEW WHAT KIND OF MONSTER YOU WERE!" She looked shocked. "Im a monster? IM THE MONSTER! YOUR KIND MURDERED MY PARENTS IN MY OWN HOME, MY OWN KINGDOM!" "WELL YOUR KIND KILLED MY MOTHER! Then i heard a hiss come from her throat as she notice our father, i could clearly see her fangs now. She walked over to him and starred him in the eyes, his red ones not even blinking. Lyla frowned at him, then asked a question that shocked me. "Where is your brother?" How does she know him. Our Father smiled as he held her hand in his. "My child he is far away, why do you ask?" It was her turn to smile. "You really dont know?" He frowned, rasing an eyebrow. She sighed as she walked through some doors, nodding her head for us to come. As i crossed through the door i saw she was already sitting down on the floor, starring deep into the fire that was burning. I sat on one of the furthest seats there was, glaring at the back of her head. A Vampire? A Vampire Queen? And there i was thinking she would find it hard to be a werewolve queen. She turned around and looked us all in the eye before started her sad tale. "Your Brother," She said to Father, "Your Uncle," She muttered to me and David,"k-....Killed my parent's, who was king and queen of our people, my father was a vampire while my mother was a human, that is why my sister Jasmine is Human......" I cut in then,"Why are you vampire and Jas is human?" She laughed, making me more anger. This wasnt a funny matter. She saw my mood and rolled her eyes," I though all creatures of the dark knew this? Only one child of a royal vampire will become one, Jas was declined that postion when she gave birth to her daughter Dasiy, who will propably be the next to the throne if i do not have children," I saw a smile tugging at her lips, making my eyes go wide. Did she wantt a family.......with me? Crap, crap, CRAP!. I aint ready for this stuff. Then my father asked the question i already knew the answer to,"How do you know my brother was the one to blame?" Her head snapped to him, pain of memories making her eyes go dark violet, nearly black, " I saw him, in my living room, tearing my fathers throat" she growled as a woman came over and sat next to her, crying. Jasmine. They had the same wavey hair. Lyla took a deep breath as a tear rolled down her cheek. My heart ached to go and hold her in my arms, wishpering that things will ok. But i couldnt with my father in the room. He still didnt know about us......well if their still was an us. He never approved of mix breeding. She sarted to get quietier and quitier as she start to tell us what happened this morning," I also had a vision today of him standing infront of a army of werewolves, already to wie out our kind, his words still ring clearly in my head, "Bring her to me....dead or alive," I growled as she carried on,"the werewolves will win this war, fair or not! The queen of the dead will die at my feet before her 19th birthday!" She stopped there, tears freely flowing now, my eyes growing darker red as i remembered the storys from when i was younger. The war of the predators were real, my mother was right. My soul mate will be my worst enermy...........


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