She loves me.

The song finished and I stood up and clapped with a massive smile on my face. All the other judges probably did too so it hopefully didn't stand out too much. But Ariana noticed. She looked right at me and then looked right away again. What if she knew I knew? Would that change anything? Probably not but I could speak to her about it. Then maybe she would tell me what was wrong with her earlier and why she was crying.

All of the judges gave their opinions on her performance. Tulisa even banged the table a bit telling people to vote for her and get her in the top two which she totally deserves to be in in my opinion.


'I think that was one of your best performances, you are a really talented singer and song writer and I know these songs mean a lot to you.' I paused and she just kept looking at me. 'You are probably one of if not the most talented person who has ever been on this show and you really deserve to be stood where you are right now because I know you have worked your ass off to get there.'

'Thank you Harry' She said quietly. We had a small short moment of eye contact before Dermot started speaking again and Ariana looked up and smiled at him. She was sent off stage and I was left to introduce Liam for his next performance.

-Ariana's POV!!-

Shitshitshitshitshit. He knows, I'm sure he does. Well I kinda knew he would guess they were about him but shit.

I didn't have much time to think about it because I was immediately rushed off to costume to get changed. I couldn't get his stupid smile out of my head. His stupid, cocky, cute, cheeky smile out of my head. No Ariana. Stop it. You need to focus. He broke your heart and he wont change. He is a massive celebrity who gets everything given to him on a plate. Anything he wants. Including girls.

Ok so I knew this wasn't true but I cant fall for him again. Well it wont be again I still kinda like him.

No you don't.

Yes I do.

Oh god I'm arguing with myself. Why can't life just be simple and happy and not confusing. God.

Next thing I knew I was in hair and make-up getting myself topped up. And look who else was in there, all of the other One Direction boys. Why was my luck so bad? First I run into Harry, then Niall, then that Sophie girl, then Jade and now all of the band.

This better not be awkward. Please god. I'm begging you please.

'Hello there' Niall said smiling at me as I was forced to sit in the seat next to him.

'Hi' I said kind of awkwardly trying to look at the floor but the woman pulling on my hair was kind of making me look up.

'I liked that song, you're really talented at song writing you know'

'Thanks' I said. One of the boys scoffed but I couldn't see who.

'Louis!' Niall whispered. I guess it was Louis then.


'Please, don't not now.'

'But sh-'

'I know but not now.' Niall said and Louis sighed. There was a few seconds of silence before Louis stood up and left the room. The woman who had been doing his hair looked very shocked.

'I'm sorry about him everyone, he just really wants Jane to win.' One of the other boys laughed, I think it was Liam but again I couldn't quite see properly.

'One of us should go and talk to him' Niall suggested.

'I will' Zayn said then stood up and walked out of the room. And then there was three.

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