Chapter 9 *The plan part2*

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Tori's Pov

"We have to get out of here"Lydia said

"Lydia we just got in"I said

"Scott and malia could die , it's not worth the risk"She said

"Ten minutes ago I would've agreed but right now we're in it we need to weigh the risk versus reward Carefully , if we stay we could succeed , if we go we know we won't get another chance , Since one rush is known and the other unknown we go with the known"Argent said than he unlock the door for malia and Scott

"Okay"Lydia said Scott and Malia enter the armory
But it was empty

"Look "I said than Argent and Lydia looked at the screen

"There is no guns no weapons"I said

"They knew that we're coming"Lydia said

Argent grabbed the mic

"Guys you need to leave now"Argent said

I see Scott and malia trying to open a door inside the armory

"Guys what are you doing just go!"I said in the mic

Than argent took the mic from me

"No no no don't open that door"Argent said

Console beeping rapidly , alarm blaring

"Shit"I said

"No"Argent said trying to do something

"Everything Shit down , they're locked in and we can't do anything about it"Argent said

"What's this?"I asked pointing at a button

"A montion sensor"Argent said

"What does (H-2100) means?"Lydia asked pointing at the same button 

"H stand for Halon it's a fire suppression , it'll pull all the oxygen out of the room to put out a fire"Argent said

"All the oxygen?"I asked he nodded

"How long can a werewolf hold their breath?"Lydia asked

"I think we're about to find out"argent Said

"Communications are Shut down and the room is soundproof"Argent said looking at pips

"We need to warn them"I said

"We are , one of these pipes leads in there"He said than start hitting the pips

"Anything"Argent said than Me and Lydia looked at the screen

"Nothing"Lydia said

"Kepp going"I said
Than he continued hitting the pips

"Look at Scott , I think he hears you"I said

"What are you doing?"Lydia asked argent broke the pips

"DON'T TRIP THE SENSORS"He yelled inside the pips

Argent got on the floor than sit on the chair and kept looking at the buttons

"If I can bypass the electrical system , I might be able to reset the console"Argent said

"What the. Is she doing?"Lydia said than I looked at the screen

"Oh no malia she could trip the the sensors"I said

And she did , and now they are dying

"How long do they have"Lydia asked

"Minutes"Argent said

"Look the Hunters are back"I said

"We have to do something"Lydia said

"We'll"I said than run out of the room and they behind me

[8] Final Fight ....... (Control Book 8) Stiles StilinskiTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang