Chapter 7 *you fooled Me*

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Tori's pov

We heard glass shattered me and malia run
And saw an arrow in the wall and something with it

Scott and liam and Lydia and sheriff came

Malia looked at the Paper that was with the Arrow

"This is Brett's number"Liam said

"They're trying to rattle us"Lydia said

"And it's working"I said looking at a very angry Liam

Than we heard someone screams than the sheriff and Parrish run

"Liam , Look at me just calm down"I Said than he looked at me

Than we heard a gun shot


I sit on the ground against a wall , I closed my eyes

"Hey you okay?"Malia asked I opened my eyes
I saw Malia standing infront of me

"Yeah I guess"I said

"Are you sure"She asked I looked at her

"No , I never lied to stiles before"I said
"You lied to him before remember the alphas"She said

"That was different"I said

"Dont worry Tori"She said

"You not helping Malia"I said

"Guys we have an idea"Scott said I stand up from the ground

Scott took the two dead deputy , so he can fool the Hunters

I was looking through the glass

But the plan didn't
Scott's dad came

We were inside the sheriff's office
Scott's dad enter the office and closed the door behind him

The hunters want us to leave Beacon hills that the Deal that Scott's dad want to make

"Scott are you sure about this?"Lydia asked

"I'm not this deal sucks"Liam said

"But it's the only one on the table , in a situation like this , the best solution is always to De-escalate ,it's why you called me isn't it?"Scott's dad said looking at the sheriff

"To be honest I didn't think anyone was gonna show up"Sheriff said

"Scott? What now?"I asked Scott looked at me than he looked at malia

Than he turn his head to his dad

"Okay we'll go"Scott said than Scott's dad left the office

"I shouldn't have come back"I said

"So I just spend 6 hours in a bus for nothing now I am going back"I said grabbing my bag

"Let me help you with that"Theo said trying to grab my bag

"No dont"I said pushing his hand away

"Tori just let me help you with the bag"He said

"No I don't anyone's help , why are you even in my room just go"I said

"Scott told me to drive you to the bus"He said

"Just wait for me downstairs"I said

"Tori are you okay?"He asked about to put his hand on my shoulder

"Dont touch"I said taking a step back

"Tori.."He said

"Just wait for me downstairs Theo"I said

He turn around to leave

"Tori I am still the old Theo , Remember I am your first best friend"He said than left the room

A very silent car ride

"So you just gonna stay silent?"He asked

"I don't wanna talk about anything"I said than he stopped the car infront of the animal clinic

"Why did you stop?"I asked

"Just come"He said than get out of the car and enter the clinic

I get out of the car and enter it

"What the hell is going on?"I asked
Scott and Malia and Theo and Liam and Lydia and Cory were standing there

"Did you really thought that we are leaving"Scott said with a smile on his face

"Scott McCall you fooled me"I said with a smile

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