Chapter 36

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Chapter 36

Marlene and Sirius' son leapt over Ardelle's legs, and she groaned a little when he laughed and tripped and landed a little too roughly onto Ardelle's arm.

"I wouldn't expect anything less from a son of Sirius Black," She muttered to herself, but she smiled at the little boy when he turned to her curiously.

"Who's tha?" The little boy asked with a bright grin.

"Nothing, Leo," Ardelle said with a smile.

Leonis Black was a very cute boy, almost an exact copy of Sirius, except with Marlene's blonde hair instead of black. He had Sirius' grey eyes, and he had the cutest baby grin.

"How long 'till Sirius and Marlene come to pick him up?" Remus asked from where he was sitting on the sofa, gently rocking Astra in his arms while the little girl slept.

"An hour," Ardelle sighed, "Though we can survive. He is a very cute boy. Very troublesome, though. Just like his father."

As though to prove a point, Leo leapt onto Ardelle's back with a giggle, and Ardelle grunted when the little boy promptly jumped off again and ran off to the other room.

Ardelle was completely healed now—magical healing had helped her return to normal faster than muggles could. However, she still felt tired every day, more tired than usual, because she and Remus usually stayed up very late taking care of Astra, the two of them taking turns staying up each night to look after the little girl.

Though Astra wasn't very troublesome, she was a very energetic child; and a very hard one to put to sleep.

"I'll go get him," Remus offered as he got up from the sofa, but Ardelle quickly shook her head.

"Nah, I'll go," She said, and before he could reply, she dashed off to the room where Leo had run off to.

The boy was only a little over 2 years old, but he could run like the wind.

"Leo!" Ardelle called, slowing her steps as she glanced around the seemingly empty room, "Leo?"

The room was empty—this was their guest bedroom, and it was usually empty anyways, but Leo should be in here somewhere...


Ardelle gasped as she stumbled a few steps backwards, "Merlin!"

And little Leo was there, with his bright toothy grin and mischievous grey eyes. He was giving her a familiar mischievous look that Ardelle knew all too well...


Leo furrowed his brows and gave her a worried look, "My name is Leo, Auntie Ardie."

Ardelle caught her breath and after a moment said sternly, "Leo," She scolded, taking the boy's hand and leading him back to the other room, "You can't do that, okay? It's not very nice."


"No," Ardelle cut the boy off, giving him a stern look, "No."

"Okay, Auntie Ardie," Leo said with a pout, "Sorry, Auntie."

"It's okay, Leo, but don't do it again. Ever." Ardelle said with a sigh.

"Okay, Auntie Ardie," Leo said, but his eyes suddenly lit up and he straightened a little—

Ardelle followed his gaze and found Marlene sitting beside Remus the two of them smiling down at Astra.

"Marls," Ardelle said, taking Leo over to his mother, "Here's Leo. He's such a troublesome boy."

"Sorry about that," Marlene said sheepishly, "Did he cause too much trouble?"

"No," Ardelle said with a shrug, "Just scared me while I was trying to find him—he's too mischievous for his own good."

"I know," Marlene said.

"Mom!" Leo cried brightly as he leapt into his mother's arms.

Marlene took him in her arms and held him, "Leo, Auntie Ardie tells me you were being a troublesome boy."

"I wasn't!" Leo protested, "Dad does it all the time!"

Marlene muttered, "Sirius," before she met Leo's eyes and said, "Come on, let's go home." She added, "Thanks for taking care of him, Ardie, Remus."

"It's okay, Marls," Ardelle said with a grin, "I'm used to trouble, anyway."

"Bye, Marlene," Remus said with a smile, and Marlene gave the Potter-Lupin couple one last smile and wave before she vanished with a crack, apparating away.

Author's Note:

Thanks for reading! Double-update, today! Hope you enjoyed it, do vote and comment to let me know what you thought!

Thanks so much <3

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