Chapter 5

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Chapter 5

Ardelle was the first one in the entire class to successfully transfigure the toucan into a goblet.

Which was a rare occurrence, since Ardelle, while quite smart in other areas of school, was very, very bad at Transfiguration.

"Well done, Miss Potter. Ten points to Gryffindor," Professor McGonagall said with a small smile, "Excellent work."

"Thank you," Ardelle said, slumping down in her chair with a relieved sigh.

"How'd you do it?" Lily asked from beside Ardelle.

Ardelle turned and smiled, "It's quite easy, actually. You just have to be sure to get your wand movements right. Then, it's just a matter of saying the spell."

Lily nodded, "Right. Could you demonstrate?"

"Of course I can." With a skilled movement of her arm, Ardelle had transfigured her goblet back into a toucan, which squawked and flapped its wings in irritation.

"Erm...alright, let me try," Lily's eyebrows furrowed with concentration as she mimicked the the wand movement that Ardelle had just demonstrated, and her Toucan turned into a half-formed goblet—a silver cup with toucan wings still sticking out of the sides.

Lily's cheeks reddened with embarrassment, but Ardelle just gave her an encouraging smile, "Try again. That was close."

Ardelle flicked her wand and changed the half-formed goblet back into a toucan, which seriously looked annoyed now.

"Oh, whatever," Ardelle said playfully when the toucan tried to bite her finger, "You can deal with it. You're not getting hurt."

The toucan gave an irritated squawk before ruffling his wings and sitting still, waiting almost expectantly for Lily to cast the spell.

"Go on," Ardelle encouraged, and Lily gave it another go.

Sure enough, the toucan turned into a goblet, and Lily let out a delighted laugh.

"That's it!" Ardelle grinned, giving Lily a hi-five. "Excellent work, Miss Evans."

"Indeed," Professor McGonagall said with a smile, "And excellent teaching, Miss Potter. Twenty points to Gryffindor."

The two girls smiled at each other.


"Sirius," Ardelle grumbled, "You should really be more careful with your inkpots."

She waved her wand and cleaned up the spilled ink and turned to glare at a sheepish Sirius Black.

"Sorry, Ar," Sirius said with a nervous grin, "I, erm, I—,"

"Whatever," Ardelle cut him off, "Just don't touch my ink. Especially not while I'm trying to do my Transfiguration Essay, alright? Especially not when the said essay is due in less than half a day."

"You really should've done it earlier, Ar. Even James and I have done it already."

Ardelle groaned, "You really don't have to remind me, Sirius. I already know. And it's not my fault I'm terrible at Transfiguration."

"Well, actually, you were the first one to—,"

"That was one time," Ardelle sighed, "Just a stroke of luck. Could you offer me some help with my essay?"

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