Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Chapter 7

Remus and Ardelle always sat together in the Quidditch Stands to cheer for Gryffindor.

They were wrapped up in Gryffindor scarves, banners flying everywhere, and Ardelle had even gone to putting gold and scarlet ribbons in her dark hair—just for house spirit.

Remus was absently touching Ardelle's hair ribbons.

"What's up?" Ardelle asked him with an amused grin.

"Oh, yeah," Remus said, "It's just that you never wear hair ribbons."

Ardelle retorted, "I wore a ribbon on my first day of school at Hogwarts. Don't judge me."

"Nobody is judging you," Remus said with a smile, "I'm just saying."

"It's House Spirit! In fact..." Ardelle pulled a ribbon out of her robe pocket and tied it around Remus' neck in a bow, "There you go. Wolfie."

Remus rolled his eyes, "Oh, excellent, Ardie. All you need now is a little bell."

"Remind me to bring one next time," Ardelle winked at him, and Remus just sighed, his brown eyes sparkling.

"I won't."

"Oh, it's okay, Remmy. I'll remind you to remind me."

Remus just sighed again, "At this rate, I'll be going grey in just a few years."


"WHOO! GO POTTER!" Ardelle cheered from her place on Remus' shoulders.

"Ardie? You done?" Remus groaned, shifting on his feet a little, "You're not all that heavy, but it's tiring to carry another human being, you know?"

Ardelle just laughed and hopped down, leaning on her tip-toes to give Remus a playful pat on the head.

Remus just crossed his arms and glared at her as she ruffled his hair.

"By the way," Remus said, "Can you take the ribbon off?" He gestured to the Gryffindor-coloured ribbon around his neck and gave her a pointed look.

"Aww, but you look so cute like that," Ardelle said teasingly.

Remus gave her a look.

"Oh, fine," Ardelle finally said, before removing the ribbon from around Remus' neck.

"Thank you," Remus muttered, "Now—,"


Ardelle hollered, "GO POTTER!"

Remus gave her a pat on the head, "Good job, Potter."

Ardelle turned to glare at him, "Don't mock me."

"I can't not mock you, Ardie. You're just so short and tiny," Remus grinned at her as she rolled her eyes.

"Don't mock me," Ardelle retorted, "It's not my fault James got all the tall genes in our family."

"I do like to think and wonder sometimes about why James and you look so different from each other," Remus said.

"Good job, Remmy. Thinking and wondering is healthy for your brain."


Gryffindor house thundered into the Gryffindor Common Room, with James Potter—the Quidditch Team Captain—leading them.

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