Chapter 24

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Disclaimer: The Harry Potter World belongs to J.K. Rowling.


Author's Note:


I can't believe that we've hit 400 reads! Thanks to all of you who read this story!



Chapter 24

"Be quiet!" Mrs. Potter snapped, when James and Ardelle let out another laugh halfway through the Order Meeting.

"Sorry, sorry," Ardelle chortled, "We didn't mean to laugh."

"Yeah," James said with a grin, "We just meant to make each other laugh."

"Well, stop it," Mrs. Potter ordered, "It's interrupting the Order Meeting."

"Sorry, Mother," James said, though he didn't look it as he shot a glance to his sister, who was sitting opposite him.

Well, James and Ardelle were both excited about the day—and it was only morning.

Lily and Marlene would be coming over later, and they were extremely excited about it.

Well, mainly it was Ardelle who'd been overly excited.

And when one of them were overly excited, it was usual that the other also became overly excited.

Mr. Potter chuckled, "Well, children, unfortunately you two will have to sit through the meeting, seeing as you're Order members."

Ardelle nodded, "Right. Sorry."

Mrs. Potter glared at the two of them for a long moment with her grey eyes, and she brushed a strand of her dark hair out of her face before saying, "Behave."

"Yes, Mother." James and Ardelle both said, before falling silent.

"Thank you," Dumbledore said with twinkling eyes, "Though there are not many of us here as of right now—there will be more Order Members joining us at our next meeting, seeing as many of them couldn't make it to this one."

Dumbledore was right, of course.

There were only thirteen people in the room—James, Ardelle, Remus, Sirius, Mr. and Mrs. Potter, Dumbledore, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Mr. and Mrs. Longbottom, Ted and Andromeda Tonks, and Frank Longbottom.

They were in a room that Mr. and Mrs. Potter had arranged to be the Order Meeting Room—it was massive, and could fit ten times as many people than those who were in the room at the moment around the table if need be.

The Marauders were never particularly close to Frank Longbottom—not that they disliked him; just that Frank always had a certain disapproval for the pranks that the Marauders played on people, even though he didn't publically voice them.

So, the Marauders were more so House Mates with Frank rather than friends.

But despite this, Frank still had a small smile on his face as he watched the exchange between James and Ardelle.

But the moment he saw Ardelle looking at him, he quickly looked away.

The Order Meeting hadn't been much so far—it was mostly just Dumbledore introducing the Order and what they'd fight for in the following years.

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