Stage 1. Part 4.

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The next day I woke up in my bed alone, getting dressed quickly I knew that I needed to hurry

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The next day I woke up in my bed alone, getting dressed quickly I knew that I needed to hurry. Once I was properly dressed I walked into the living room and saw Eric passed out asleep on the sofa. Walking over to him I sighed sitting down on the floor.

"You are so peaceful when you are sleeping... I love you, Eric, even though if you knew the truth about me you might not feel the same way about me." I whispered knowing how beautiful he is when he sleeping.

Kissing the top of his head I woke him up. "Hey, you can go to the bed. I am taking the transfers to the wall. You didn't have to sleep out here.. You could have come to bed." I groaned.

Eric sat up and rolled his eyes. "And risk the temptation of holding you while we have been none stop fighting for days. I just don't know if this is worth all of this Rose." Eric sighed standing up and walking to our shared room.

Shaking my head I was in shock watching Eric walk away. Shaking my head I slammed the door shut which made Four open his door. "Woah... Are you alright?" Four asked.

"I hate him." I said pissed.

Four laughed. "No. Come on Rose that's not true. You hate that you love him." Four smirked.

I rolled my eyes. "You know sometimes you know me better than I know myself." I muttered.

Four shrugged. "That is what happens when you become best friends with Rose of Dauntless." Four snickered.

"Can you go wake up the transfers? I am going to talk to my dad before we head to the wall." I pleaded.

Four nodded. "Yeah sure. Meet at the train tracks?" Four asked.

Skipping off I turned around and nodded with a wink. "Yes sir!" I squealed out.

Walking over to the control room I held my hand up and they let me in. "Zeke! Where is my dad?" I asked.

"Ummm. Let me find out." Zeke chirped. "Why don't you have a seat, Rose?" Zeke asked.

Shaking my head I bit my lip looking at some of the cameras. "I can't I have to meet Four at the train tracks we take the transfers to the wall today." I smiled.

Zeke laughed shaking his head. "You always did love going out there. How is the training going anyways?" Zeke asked searching for something on his computer.

"Good, actually I see a lot of potential. I have this girl her name is Tris, she needs to kick it up a knotch but if she does... she might be able to stand against me. Then there is Edward, I mean he is better than all of my dauntless borns. YES!! even Uriah!" I confessed.

Zeke raised an eyebrow. "A transfer?" He asked in shock.

I shrugged. "He can fight and is smart. But I really do need to go... You haven't found my dad yet?" I questioned.

Zeke shook his head. "Your dad left for Erudite he won't be back for a few days... Guess that makes you in charge now," Zeke smirked.

Hearing that my heart dropped into my stomach. "Great. I am headed to the wall now, Ill let you know when I am back." I said running off. Quickly I ran and climbed up to the train when I got up there for some reason it was wet and my hand slid right off.

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