Chapter 15

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Namjoon watched as his boyfri... no the monster which resides in his Jin's body strode pass, he momentarily felt like he was struggling to breathe, Namjoon watched the flames which engulfed Hoseok started dying down, the electricity which was sparking in Jungkook's hands too disappeared. Namjoon felt his whole being become incredibly weaker.

"J...Jin" Namjoon stuttered out as he ran over to the others, fear was written on their faces as they watched their hyung kill everyone in his path, his eyes were focused forward as he pushed his arms sideways forcing his abilities in the men who were attempting to attack him.

Movement caught Namjoon's attention, Yoongi, Taehyung and Jimin appeared at their side, all three looked extremally exhausted from the running and for Jimin and Taehyung the torture. Hoseok and Jungkook tucked their boyfriends into their arms pressing kisses against their lover's lips but their heartening reunion was interrupted as a body crashed down beside them – it was agent Jang.

There was hardly any guards or scientists remaining those who were still alive had either started begging for their life, others had started to run in the opposite direction to Seokjin but the man in question slowly stalked after them, an evil glint in his black eyes.

"You have nothing to stop me" the monster spoke through Jin a spine-chilling laugh erupted from his mouth as he moved closer to them, Namjoon looked at the other's expressions they all held horror, letting out a small sigh, Namjoon ran after his boyfriend ignoring the shouts from his friends to come back.

The monster had reached his next victim who had tripped, like the others he had started begging for his pathetic life, the monster laughed at this before preparing an attack to kill the man but he froze when he felt strong arms wrap around his waist and pulled him against another body.

"Stop baby" Namjoon spoke into Jin's neck.

"Your baby does not exist anymore only a monster" the monster replied.

"I do not believe that for a second, remember the time I would put small love notes in your locker because I was scared to ask you out but wanted you to know how I felt" Namjoon whispered into his ear.

Jin had only attended the school for two weeks and he was already receiving so much attention from students at the school especially girls, he had yet to speak with the boy who had shown him around Kim Namjoon but from what he had learnt Namjoon was the school cleverest student with an IQ of 148, he was really into music and had come out gay after getting annoyed with all the girls who were constantly asking him out.

Jin quickly shook his head of the thoughts of the younger boy, he could not get close to anyone especially him since he was probably going to get moved again. Jin opened his locker to find a pink note lying on top of his books, this had been a regular occurrence since the beginning of school, he had a secret admirer who had yet to reveal themselves. Jin picked the note up and opened it – Jin whenever I think of you, I just can't help but smile. Falling in love with you is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me, and I've never been happier in my life. I know this feeling will last forever – Monnie

Jin smiled at the cute note before he placed it into the folder which was full of others, Jin had tried to find out who was leaving him mysterious notes but had no such luck. Jin sighed before he closed his locker and headed towards the library where he had a free period, Jin collapsed into a chair and pulled all the love letters out of the folder then spread them out on the table.

Not a day goes by when my mind does not think of you, you are the reason behind every joy that has ever been a part of my life. You are the one who made me see the beauty of things. Before you came into my life, I was sad, alone and broken. Then you came in and turned my world around and changed everything for the better. You are every dream of mine come true and I love you with all my heart and soul. I love you unconditionally and wholeheartedly – Monnie

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