Chapter 2

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The first couple of lessons had gone without any problems but it did not last long the last lesson of the day – Namjoon broke something. A large something. Namjoon the clever idiot he was decided to attempt to fix the desk he and Jin were currently sitting at in their lesson, for some reason the school had yet thrown the desk out and replace it with a safer one.

Namjoon fearing for the safety of his boyfriend decided it would be a wonderful idea to try and fix it during the lesson when neither the teacher or Jin were paying any attention to him to stop him from carrying out his plan. So Namjoon discreetly as he could mess around with the desk and it broke. The metal bar which ran under the wooden desk for support snapped which made the table part plummet to the ground and trapped Namjoon's hand underneath it.

"KIM NAMJOON WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU DOING!" the teacher shouted before storming her way over to the broken desk, Jin was currently helping to pull his boyfriend's hand out from the wreckage before anything majorly bad happened to it.

"You broke the desk, detention after school Mr Kim" the teacher said glaring at the boy, Jin pulled his boyfriend from the ground before turning to face the teacher.

"How can you say that it was Joonie's fault if you had been paying any attention to the desk at the back of your classroom then you would have noticed that it was practically ready to collapse" Jin argued.

"Excuse me Mr Kim but you do not talk back to your teacher" she snapped.

"You are not much of a teacher if you completely fine with risking your student's safety" Jin snapped back at her.

"Detection for you to Mr Kim" the teacher said before storming back to the front of the classroom.

"Bitch" Jin said.

"What did you call me?" she screeched.

"You heard me or do we add deafness to the list of why you are a terrible teacher" Jin bluntly said then turned his attention to his boyfriend's hand.

Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok were only down the corridor and because of Yoongi's enhanced senses he heard the whole argument between the teacher and his friends. His class which was history was droning on and his enhanced senses were not helping the teacher was recently new but her voice was whinny and she stank of perfume. On Yoongi's left was Hoseok who was scribbling down notes for both himself and Jimin who was currently asleep on Yoongi's right shoulder, surprisingly the teacher had yet to pick up on the sleeping student.

"Yoongi would you be a darling and explain the issue with this last scenario" the whiny teacher asked a slight purr was present in her voice which did wonders for the other male students apart from the three gays at the back of the classroom but she was unaware that her 'charm' was not working on the grumpy boy who clearly snapped back at her without thinking. Yoongi was fed up with her attitude towards them.

"Do you know that your voice is irritable and you stink with the amount of perfume which you are currently wearing" Yoongi bluntly stated, the teacher let out a high-pitched gasp and nearly all male students head whipped around to look at the boy like he has just blasphemed against God, although all the girls in the class were silently applauding Yoongi for his statement.

"You should respect me as your teacher Mr Min" she squealed clearly upset that her 'charm' was immune to the handsome boy in the back.

"How, your voice is irritating that I feel like my ears are about to bleed and noise is clogged up with the amount of perfume you have applied that I feel like I am in a gas chamber" Yoongi snapped back.

"Detention Mr Min, I hope you learn some manners then" the teacher scowled at her.

"That is unfair he was only stating his opinion which myself, Jimin and all the girls in this class happen to share, I do not even see what the morons see in you all the girls are better looking than you combined" Hoseok defended Yoongi. The female teacher stared at the boy in shock, Hoseok was one of the smartest in the class and someone she hoped that she would make an impression on so he would wait to be with her once he had finished college.

"Detention for you as well Mr Jung" the woman said disappointed her eyes then trailed to the boy sleeping on Yoongi's shoulder.

"PARK JIMIN WAKE UP THIS INSTANT, YOU THREE WILL ALL HAVE DETENTION THEN YOU WILL LEARN TO RESPECT ME LIKE THE OTHER BOYS IN THIS CLASS DO" The woman screeched. Jimin just opened his eyes glared at the woman before going back to sleep.

Jungkook and Taehyung were the furthest away from the friends on a completely different floor to them. They were currently in their drama class and they were going through the next play they would be doing for their college – it was Romeo and Juliet. The teacher was talking about what the play stood for and what the different roles for this play were but there were two problems. First, Jungkook despised this play it was so boring and cliché that he wanted to claw his eyes out with his fingers. Second, Tae would not sit still and it was not from excitement about the new play, no it was because Tae just could never sit still he had to be active whether it was doing exercise or just walking around doing stuff he just could not sit still.

This was currently getting on the teachers nerves because he was not able to explain his favourite storylines properly when his most energetic student was distracting you because they were constantly moving.

"Taehyung please calm down when I am explaining this" the teacher pleaded with the student.

"Sorry sir but you know I cannot" Taehyung replied.

"If you cannot stay still for more than five minutes, I will have to give you a detention for disrupting the class" the teacher threated but Tae kept moving around.

"You cannot do that" Jungkook shouted standing up his hands were curled up into a fist. The teacher glanced over at Jungkook before turning back to his pathetic rambling – Jungkook snapped. He ran straight for the teacher and slammed one of his fists into the teacher's nose.

"TAEHYUNG, JUNGKOOK DETENTION" the teacher screamed holding his bleeding nose.

"Yeah whatever" Jungkook muttered.

Detention was a regular occurrence for this group of friends, it was normal a surprise if one of them could stay out of getting a detention for a whole week. The seven of them walked into the library where the detention was held and collapsed into the chairs at usual desks. The principal walked in took one look at the seven before letting out a sigh.

"What did you do this time?" the principal asked.

"Broke the desk"

"Defended him and called the teacher a bitch"

"Told the whore teacher she was too loud and stank"

"Defended him"

"Slept in class"

"Did not sit still"

"Punched the teacher" the group all informed the principal one at a time.

"Of course you all did" the principal muttered to himself. 

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