Chapter 8

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Namjoon turned to Jin and kissed him, Jin's eyes widened in surprised but never the less he then closed them before he wrapped his arms around Namjoon's neck. The other five boys smiled as they watched the couple make out, this was a regular occurrence for them all to witness but they have never seen so much determination in Namjoon's face to make his boyfriend lose himself in the kiss, to forget about what Jin had been through and what they all were currently going through. It was just them like the rest of the world did not exist anymore.

Taehyung and Jungkook were too distracted by Jin and Namjoon that they did not notice when Jimin walked over to Yoongi and whispered something into his ear before turning and walking back to Hoseok. 

'Let's take care of that shall we?' Jimin whispered into Hoseok's ear, Hobi's eyes went wide before gulping then nodding. Yoongi walked over to his boyfriend then took their hands in his then pulled them from the room, when they arrived there were told that three rooms were being prepared for them until they would be moved to a safe house the next day. Back in the room, Jin and Namjoon were still making out whilst Taehyung and Jungkook were still watching them, when the couple finally broke away they instantly started smiling at one another, pure love was present in both of their eyes.

"That was amazing" Taehyung exclaimed.

"I got a video of it" Jungkook told him laughing before re-pocking his phone, Taehyung squealed and lunged at Jungkook pressing their lips together, the latter wrapped his arms around Tae's waist then kissed him back, Namjoon let out a chuckle to the pair's actions whilst Jin blushes.

"Sir he is there." a man in a long white lab coat turned to his leader who was wearing a black lab coat before adding "With his friends who also have abilities."

"Good" the leader smirked before he stood up and walked to the metal bed which was covered in blood and other suspicious liquids.

"Good then... I can't wait to see those faces screaming and begging." He gave an evil laugh. "I can't wait to see you and your friends suffer Jinnie."He then turned to his henchman. "Get our best men to kidnap them. They will be useful." The henchman gave a salute. "Yes, sir!"

Namjoon pulled his boyfriend up from the chair he was sitting on and then into a proper hug, there was a sudden knock on the door before a man in his early twenties stepped in, the man had short black hair, a tanned complexion and he was wearing a suit. 

"Your makeshift rooms have been prepared." the young agent said, the group of four looked at one another before turning to face the agent then nodded. "Hold up, where did yoonminhope go?" Tae asked looking around the room for the missing three, Jungkook, Jin and Namjoon looked at each other, all of them were wondering how they had not noticed before. They turned to ask the agent to find him already gone, they four exited the room to see the agent heading towards the of the corridor. The four ran after the agent to prevent them losing him, the walked down multiple corridors before they arrived at three rooms which said protective witnesses rooms.

"Here is your room and do not worry your friends are there" the agents spoke which caused Jungkook to raise his eyebrows. 

"Were you spying on us?" Jungkook eyed the man suspiciously, the man suddenly blushed but kept a straight face.

"N-no it's just that I was passing by when I heard-" the agents started to explain but was interrupted.

"Ah! Hobi!" 

"Omg Yoongi!"

"My baby boys are so horny" 

"That" the agents blushing muttered pointed in the direction of the door which they were standing beside, the others all blushed as well, slightly embarrassed with their friends lack of control towards their sexual impulses. It was not a mystery that they all had heard each other whilst having sex but they were embarrassed that they would still have in such a public place but when those three got horny nothing would stop them.

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