"Okey dokey" Georgia giggled slightly. She leant towards her iPod Dock and attached her iPod to it. Never Wanted To Dance by Mindless Self Indulgence came on.

"Right, so I have one suitcase full of jeans, shorts, dresses and shirts" Georgia muttered to herself, looking between her pile of clothes in the corner and her suitcase.

"I still have some space!" She suddenly realised re-opening her suitcase.

"What other tops do you want to take?" I chuckled at her throwing a number of shirts to different sides.

"This pile is tops I don't need, this pile is tops I do" she smiled assuringly.

"Ah a Clash top, very nice" I smiled at it as I folded it.

"Do you mind packing these for me whilst I get my other stuff?"

"Of course I don't mind"

"Thankyou" she giggled, pecking me on the lips.

"Do you guys want a drink?" Georgia questioned whilst standing up.

"What have you got?" Cole asked.

"Hmm... I have beers if that's what you're after" she laughed slightly.

"Sure!" Cole laughed too. Georgia went to a mini fridge in the corner of her room and pulled out beers, passing them around to everyone. She grabbed an empty suitcase and a beer and placed herself on the floor next to me. The Kill by 30 Seconds To Mars was now on and she was humming the tune.

"Here you go" she smiled handing me a beer can.

"Thankyou, you not having one?"

"Nah, I'm not thirsty" she simply stated.

"Your loss Joey" Travis shouted across the room winking.

I just stuck my middle finger at him and carried on packing Georgia's tops into her suitcase. I noticed her going through the pile packing underwear, she seemed really awkward about it which made me laugh, bless her.

"Right um, I just need to grab my make-up, toothbrush and hairbrush and I'm good to go" she nodded.

"Okay sweetie" I replied and off she went to the bathroom. I zoned out and started to listen to the music, Judy Is A Punk by The Ramones was currently on.

"Hey Joey, you got yourself a keeper" James said smiling at me.

"I know" I grinned.

"She has a good music taste" he informed me, nodding.

Georgia walked back into the room and hopped back on the floor. She put two toothbrushes into her suitcase, along with a make-up bag and a hairbrush.

"Hmm I still have space..." She investigated.

"Pyjamas!" She suddenly realised she had forgotten them. I watched as Georgia threw a few pairs of jogging bottoms, leggings and shorts into the space along with a few band vest tops.

"Ready" Georgia smiled whilst sitting on her suitcase, attempting to zip it up.

"Need a hand?" I asked giggling slightly.

"Yes please" Georgia replied with puppy dog eyes.

"Travis!" I shouted over Travis getting excited about something.

"Huh? Oh uh yeah?" Travis said confused.

"Come here and sit on this suitcase" I demanded. Travis placed himself next to Georgia on the suitcase and I zipped it up.

"Let me carry one" Travis said lifting up the suitcase he was sat on. I took the other and Georgia took a small backpack with things like sweets in and a jumper.

"Lets go!" I heard Cole shout in between the voices of everyone else. We all walked to the front door and waited for the adults to come outside.

Georgia's POV

"This is it" I said resting my head on Joey's shoulder as he held his arm around my waist. We both looked at what was now my old house.

"The future is bright for us Gee" Joey said reassuringly.

"I know it is" I kissed him gently on the lips. My foster dad walked out with my foster mum following after, everybody else was outside. I walked over to him.

"I'm going to miss you so much whatsername" dad said to me looking sad.

"I'll miss you too Jimmy" I started crying and hugged him tightly.

"I'll come visit you and you can come visit me and I'll email you every chance I get I promise" I managed to say, still sobbing.

"Good, now you go out there with that lovely, polite, friendly boyfriend of yours and his amazing family and you enjoy yourself, you stay safe and you live a happy life. You need family that's going to be around a lot, I'm sorry I couldn't do that for you"

"Thanks Jimmy, but you did, you took me in and gave me a passion for music, you helped me find something I love, you did a lot for me and I can't thank you enough"

"Come here you" Jimmy said pulling me in for a hug.

"This is it then..." I said as we broke the hug.

"Untill next time" he nodded at me, making me chuckle slightly.

"I guess this is goodbye" my foster mum said with a smirk.

"Yeah, bye" I smiled and turned away.

I walked over to Joey who was putting my suitcases into the storage part of Green Day's tour bus. I hadn't even noticed that it had turned up, along with the Emily's Army one.

"Ready beautiful?" Joey said kissing me on the cheek.

"Ready" I struggled to smile, but I managed to slightly. I was walking away from my childhood. Everything I enjoyed, everyone I loved. Who am I kidding? No one loved me other than my foster dad. Vicky and Alfie didn't even bother to come say bye. I'm glad to be leaving.

"Let's go!" Joey grabbed my hand and pulled me to the direction of the EA bus. I waved goodbye to my foster dad and before I knew it, I was sat on Joey's bunk once again but this time, more people. Austin, Jakob and James had joined us so we all had to squeeze in. I sat with Joey on his bunk with Austin the other side of Joey and Travis next to me. Everyone was just sat where they felt like.

"What CD does everyone want to listen to?" Jakob questioned us all looking through his iTunes on his phone.

"The Bangups! Every song or single you have by them, just play it!" Cole shouted excitedly. Man does he love The Bangups.

"Well okay then!" Jakob replied laughing. This was going to be a fun journey.


Heyo! The character Austin is going to be based on Austin Carlile, hence why he joined a band called Attack Attack :p I felt like adding him in, hope you guys don't mind!

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