On The Bus

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Joey's POV

I had such an amazing day, I honestly feel like I already knew Georgia, I feel like she was meant to come along. This feels right, but so sudden. I saw Gee talking to Max, it's nice that she isn't so shy around all of us now. We had a small tour bus, 5 bunks and a sofa, with a half sized fridge and a few bean bags. We also had a surround sound music player and an Xbox under the 5th bunk. Our bus wasn't as nice as dads, but it was awesome that we had our own bus. As we all piled in, Travis went through who's beds were who's.

"This first bed, is the spare bed, none of us like it because it's by the door, it gets kinda cold" he said shrugging, I just laughed at him, as did the others.

"This one is Max's, opposite that is mine, at the end, the left one is Cole's and the right one is Joey's" Travis exclaimed pointing to them.

"Oh and this is the fridge, we all have a shelf each, Gee I guess you can share with one of us" he said winking at me in a jokey way.

"Awesome!" Georgia said extatically.

Our driver was called John, it was amazing having a driver, dad hired him for our tour. We're heading home a week before they do though, so we only have him until we have to go to Gatwick to get the plane home. I sure do hope Georgia can come back to America!

"John, can you put My Chemical Romance, Three Cheers For Sweet Revenge album on please?" Travis asked.

"Of course" I saw Georgia's face light up.

"Hey guys, jump on the bunks!" Cole ordered.

We always sat on the bunks and spoke with our legs hanging over the edge, just listening to music.

"Georgia come sit with me" I said grabbing her hand and directing her over to my bunk.

"Can you help me up please?" She said quietly.

"Of course" I smirked.

I grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her up, then pulling myself up onto the bunk.

"I love this song!!" Georgia said excitedly as 'I'm Not Okay' came on.

We all sang our hearts out, it was such a great song!

"Joey, heads up!" Cole shouted as he threw me two beers from my shelf in the fridge. I opened them both and passed one to Georgia.

"Thankyou" she said smiling at me and started sipping it.

Everyone just spoke about the day and other random little things, such as your memories. It was cute as the whole time I heard Georgia humming to the tunes of the songs from the MCR album.

After a while, the album came to an end. John put on a Clash album, Combat Rock. Once again, I heard Georgia quietly humming and singing as we all laughed and shared interests with her, Alfie and Vicky. I was very impressed that she knew all of the songs on the album.

It was now about midnight and we were all hungry.

"Who wants McDonalds?" Cole suggested.

We all agreed, so him and Georgia went to order it. They left the bus and went into the store with a list of orders.

"So joey, you and Georgia eh? Don't think we haven't noticed." Max wisely said. Wow he can read me like a god damn book.

"There's nothing between us" I lied.

"Well, you guys seem pretty close. I've noticed the way you look at her." Travis, Alfie and Vicky agreed with Max.

"She's just a close friend"

"That's going to change soon" Travis said immaturely.

"Yeah right"

"Oh come on, she clearly likes you too!"

I just went bright red, oh god...

Cole's POV

Georgia and I were currently waiting in line in McDonalds. She seemed really cool, she's super talented too. We spoke for a little while about little random things and we just laughed.

"Ur, Georgia?"


"Can I tell you something?"


"Joey likes you, a lot"

"Huh? Why? How? What?" She seemed confused.

"Well, he looks at you and smiles proudly, he never asks a girl on tour, you must be pretty fucking special. He seems so happy and calm around you, which he doesn't usually if the girls a Green Day fan" I had to tell her. She was speechless.. I ordered the food while she processed what she had just been told.


"Yea Gee?"

"I think I like Joey"

"Thought so" I said smirking.

"I've never felt this way before man, I've never trusted someone as much as I trust him, I don't usually feel comfortable around people, but you guys make me feel so safe and welcome, Joey is just so perfect Cole" she shrugged, wow she did really like him.

"Hey Georgia, it's nothing to be worried about. I'm 100% sure he likes you back. Why don't you spend some time with him?"

"Thanks Cole, I'll try" she smiled and lightened up at the idea.

"You're awesome Gee, we gotta hang out sometime"

"Definitely! You're a great friend"

We collected our food and left.

Georgia was really honest, which is obviously a great thing. She was so nice too. We got back on the bus and she walked straight over to Joey's bunk. He jumped off and hugged her. I saw him help her up, the way they look at each other is beautiful. They just seem so in love already, I need to get them together. Now.

"Who got the chicken burger?" Georgia asked.

"Me! Me!" Travis excitedly announced.

"And a coke too please Gee!"

"Here you go" she said passing the food and drink to Travis who was on the bunk next to her.

"What did you order?" She looked lovingly at Joey whilst asking him.

He gazed back into her eyes, they had no clue I was focusing at them from across the bunks.

"Quarter pounder and diet coke" he replied.

"Same, they're the last two burgers and drinks in this bag anyway" she said still staring into his eyes.

Wow, there was something there.

The connection broke when she reached into the bag to get the food.

Georgia's POV

So, Cole had noticed something between Joey and I. It's annoying having to keep this relationship secret, but it's for the best. I'm spending the next few days with my favourite people, my idols and my saviours, what can get worse? I smiled as I thought this to myself, receiving a little nudge from Joey who had noticed me smiling.

This was going great.

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