Day Out

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Georgia's POV
"Yes Joey?"
"Do you wanna go out skateboarding today?"
"Sure, I'd love too!"
"You can skateboard right?"
"Duhh!" I said teasing him, but I can actually skateboard.
"Can I borrow your skateboard please?"
"You have your own"
"Georgia doesn't have one"
"Oh, sure"
Joey handed me Cole's skateboard then told them that we were going out for an hour or so.
I followed him down a pathway while we rode the skateboards, he took me into a forest. At the opening of the forest, we jumped off the boards and walked. He held my hand, I still felt butterflies around him.
"Uh, Joey? Where are we going?"
"Somewhere" he said slyly, still holding my hand leading me through a dark, creepy forest that I had never been too.
Joey kept quiet the whole way, just making me follow him.
"Here we are!" I heard him proudly say. I looked up to see a treehouse, well built and very out of the way.
"When did you build this?"
"Me and the guys built it when we toured here a year and a half ago. I thought you should know about it, come on up!" I saw him climbing up a ladder.
"Is it stable for two of us?"
"Yes! Come on babe, take my hand!" So I reached out my hand and he helped me up. The treehouse was small, but cute. Joey and I sat very close since there wasn't much space, but I didn't mind sitting close to him.
"Oi" he said so I turned my head to him.
"Oi" I said looking at him.
"I have a present for you"
"What? Why?" I was confused.
"Because you're so god damn perfect" he pulled out a rose from next to him.
"Wow Joey, this is beautiful"
"Just like you" he said, then leaning in to kiss me.
We kissed for ages, long, passionate, more than we had before. I know we've only known each other for two days, but I feel like I've known him forever.
After about 15 minutes, we pulled away from the kiss, both out of breath. He just stared into my eyes and held my hand. I had never ever felt this way about anyone, ever in my life.
"Georgia, what ever happens, I'm going to protect you, stand by your side, love you, make you feel special and beautiful, I'm here for you 100% now okay?"
"Joey you don't know how much that means to me, I've never had anyone care for me as much as you do"
"Well you have me forever now"
"And you have me too" I leant my head on his shoulder, we just sat and spoke whilst holding hands. It was perfect. He was perfect. It was so assuring knowing that I had him, his dad, his band, everyone supporting me already!
After about half an hour of sitting and talking in the treehouse, we decided we'd best head back. We jumped down from the treehouse back to our skateboards and we skated back to the van. When we arrived, we were hit with questions from Travis.
"Where did you guys go?"
"The treehouse" Joey answered bluntly.
"Eyyyy, what did you guys do?" Travis said winking and nudging Joey.
"Not a lot, so you can stop coming to conclusions" Joey said whilst laughing. He was so cute when he did that.
It was around 3pm so we decided to make some sandwiches, Emily's Army were playing a one off gig since Green Day weren't playing tonight. We had some sandwiches in the bus and then went to the venue. We arrived and I helped the guys set up, they did a soundcheck to 'Lost At Seventeen', I stood in the crowd pit and watched, I knew all of the lyrics so I sang too. At the end of the soundcheck, they all jumped off stage and came to group hug me for some reason?
"Uhh what was that for?" I asked confused as they all stood infront of me.
"Because you're super awesome" Cole replied.
"Thanks, you guys too" I said smiling.
"Buuuut, you're super pretty, kind and amazing too" Joey said walking towards me, picking me up bridal style. He then ran with me backstage, and the guys followed. I couldn't stop laughing and neither could they!
We all fell onto a sofa that was backstage, Joey pulled me onto his lap. He was being so cute now the guys knew, I loved it! We all just spoke for a while, laughing, having a good time. I still sat on Joey's lap, he had his arms around my waist, every now and then he would look up at me and smile, no one will ever experience the feelings I felt when he held me close too him, smiled at me, made me feel so comfortable. He seriously was, well, perfect.
We grabbed some food from catering and it was time to go on stage! It was 10 minutes before they were due, and Joey lead me to an empty room.
"Georgia, can I have this for good luck?" He said winking at me as he pushed me against the wall and kissed me passionately. We carried on until his phone buzzed with a reminder saying '5 minutes!' We left the room hand in hand, he just smirked at me. The guys all hugged me, Joey last, giving me a long, warm, comforting hug and a quick kiss. Then, they ran on. I stood at the side, taking pictures with my phone, I uploaded some to Instagram. When I went on there, I realised that I had been tagged by Max in a video. The video was of the guys tickling me. The caption was 'new tour addition, new target for the guys to tickle. Thanks @Georgia_ for joining us on tour. One of our memories so far, so many more to come! #thetourlife #whatgoesdownwithemilysarmy'
I smiled so much at this, I had noticed my followers had gone up dramatically too. On the video, there was so many comments like 'Seems like so much fun!' 'Wish I was Georgia!' 'I want to meet you guys, including Georgia' 'one of you should date her if she's up for a tour laugh!'
It seems like the fans didn't mind me? Don't get me wrong, there was the odd 'she doesn't deserve to be there it should be me' shit but most of them were nice! I was so happy that the fans had accepted me, and they didn't even know about me and Joey yet!
I locked my phone and went back to watching the boys. Joey occasionally smiled towards me, I was singing for most of the gig to be honest! The show was coming to an end.
I heard Cole shouting their ending speech as they finished up with 'Part Time Bum', it always got the crowd going.
"So guys you've all been amazing tonight! Thankyou so much! We hope to see y'all sometime soon, tweet us or Instagram us your pictures or Emily's army memories!" The crowd roared. Cole looked at Travis with a smirk. Travis then looked at me.
"We also have one last thing to say..." I heard Cole carrying on.
"This tour, we have had a new addition," what???? "her name is Georgia, she's amazing and is now part of our Emily's Army family. You'll see us messing about with her on Instagram excetra, so give her a follow and say hi and just show her she's welcome! You know what we could do right now?" The crowd screamed back 'what?!' and they all cheered.
"We're gonna get Georgia on stage, and we want you allllll to scream for her okay? You ready!"
Travis and Joey ran over to me at the side as Max placed down his bass, the guys pulled me on stage as Cole, Max and the crowd chanted... "Georgia! Georgia! Georgia!"
When I was in sight of the crowd, they screamed and cheered. Wow!
"say hello to Georgia everybody!" The five of us stood in a line across the front, Seb ran on from the other side of the stage and stood next to Max.
We all bowed and the guys shouted goodnight, then we walked off stage.
"Guys you were AMAZING!" I said squealing with happiness!
"Thanks Gee!" They all said as I hugged them. Once again I hugged Joey last, so we could hug for longer.
"Ewww you're all sweaty" I said jokingly poking him in the stomach.
"Whatever, you like it" he said winking and kissing me.
"You did incredible tonight"
"Thankyou gorgeous, better now you're here" I could feel myself turning red, Joey grabbed hold of my hand and we walked over to the catering table to grab drinks.
I was talking to Cole about how awesome they were as Joey walked over to their tour manager. He sat down on the sofa and opened a letter in an envelope. I watched him as he opened it, he suddenly seemed disheartened. What could it be?!
I walked over to him and sat next to him on the sofa.
"Joey babe?"
"Yes sweetie?" He said with a sad tone.
"What's wrong?"
"Read it..." He rested his head on my shoulder and put an arm around my waist.
I was reading a letter that was from Joey's cousin, Courtney. She was saying how much she hated him, how much she hated him because of me. Because he picked me up on tour, and didn't ask her to go.
"Why is she being like this?"
"She's never liked me, when we were kids, she always tried to flirt with me, not even lieing, she tried kissing me once. She's our age, I dated her best friend at one point, it was a kind of in the moment thing, it was like a year ago. She dated my best friend when I broke up with her friend, then cheated on him, she had sex with two other guys whilst dating him. So I had a go at her, I told her never to bother again. She hates me, she hates my friends. She only likes my dad because he's famous, she like's Jakob, but he doesn't like her. My mum doesn't really know her. Put it this way, she tried kidnapping me once so I would date her. She's mental, she's messed up. I need to protect her from you Georgie, or bad things might happen. Promise me you'll stay by my side, listen to what I say and never get involved with her?" He looked at the point of crying, this was pretty serious.
"I promise Joey" I just fell in his arms, and hugged him for who knows how long.


Sorry it's not very good.
I wanted drama but like, something original. So Joey has a fucked up cousin called Courtney now :-) haha hope you're enjoying guys! It'll get better soon... I hope. Any ideas, pleaaaassee message me!!

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