Chapter Ten: United

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The sun shone brightly above, as Hermione made her way towards the grave. It was mid June and the weather was fairly nice, the leaves were falling in an array of beautiful colors.

She carried a bouquet of flowers, holding on to Elaina with the other hand. It gave her a sense of comfort coming here after all these years, but at the same time the idea terrified her a bit. As she neared the headstone she could clearly make out the words written; words that were engraved in her mind like hot iron on the skin.

'Annabeth Louraine Granger. Loving daughter.
May she Rest In Peace , and may her presence forever be in our hearts'

She read the words again as though making sure they hadn't changed; but they hadn't.

"Mum." Elaina, finally, spoke. "Who was she?" Hermione smiled down at her daughter, she was just like her, always ready to know more. It amazed her sometimes how much children grew. One minute you're changing their diapers, the next thing you know you're sending them off to school. She wasn't upset or anything, she knew that that was how things were supposed to be, it just saddened her a little that they couldn't stay all their lives with her.

"This, sweetheart, was my cousin Anna. She was the sweetest, most understanding person I have ever had the chance of meeting." Hermione gave a content sigh, brushing her bangs to the side. "Your auntie Anna would've been really happy to see all of you here." She expected that her tone would be bitter, but on the contrary it was more of.....contentment.

Elaina squeezed her mum's hand, smiling up at her with her twinkling blue eyes. "She sounds like an amazing person mum...............she sounds just like you." Nothing could have stopped the huge smile that blossomed on Hermione's face. She opened her arms, inviting Elaina into them and the little girl did just that.

"Am I interrupting something?" Hermione whipped her head around as she heard this to find non other than Christina. She was wearing her light yellow coat and a smile on her face. "Auntie Christina!" Exclaimed Elaina as she untangled herself from her mother's arms and went into the arms of her loving aunt. The gryffindor smiled at the sight. "No, you're not." Replied an ecstatic Elaina. "Mum was just telling me about auntie Anna. Right, Mum?" Elaina turned to her mum, and Hermione nodded in conformation.

"Anna, huh?" Her face turned solemn for a minute, but the smile returned before anyone could question it. "Well, don't stop, continue. I want to hear this." Hermione looked at her to make sure she was okay, and by seeing the smile on her face decided it was fine for her to continue.

"As I was saying that-" The smartest witch of her age was interrupted by someone who ran towards them hyperventilating. "Wait..........", Tristan heaved, "for........", another long breath, "meee." They all gave her a few minutes to organize herself before speaking.

"Why were you running like that?" Christina crossed her arms and glared at her. "I was trying to catch up to you idiots." She mock glared back at everyone except Elaina who she smiled at.

"Okay, continue. I'm here now." Tristan motioned for Hermione to continue.

"As I was saying before I was majestically interrupted", she sent a glare towards Tristan who only smiled in innocence.

"Your aunt-".
"Hey! No fair Mum." Scorpius stepped towards them, pouting. "How come Elaina gets to hear it and I don't?"

Soon, Lillian and Draco joined the group.

Hermione looked around, the edges of her mouth slightly lifted. Everyone was gathered around her and she waited patiently for another interruption, which thankfully never came. She looked at their eager faces, standing around the grave, and in that precise moment she couldn't have felt more at ease.

"So, are we gonna hear the story or not?" Her train of thought was broken, and she looked over at an excited looking Elaina. Everyone else nodded in agreement.

And just like that, Hermione preceded to tell them.

A/N: annnnnnnd done. I'm sure this chapter was bad. And it has been a while since I updated. But on the bright side I did complete this story. Of course I had so much fun writing this and I enjoyed the support you guys gave me. Thank you so much. ☺️
If u want to see a bonus chapter, let me know in the comments below👇🏽.

Our Family Reunion (A Dramione story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن