[Details and Explanations]

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So whoever got confused, here are people and their children:

-Hermione and Draco Malfoy:
Scorpios and Elaina.

-Blasie and Ginny Zabini:

-Harry and Pansy Potter:
Collin and Lilly.

-Ron and Astoria Weasly: Katie.

Even though this is a Granger family reunion, all these people will make appearances. So memorize, or don't, whatever.

Finally I'm released. Home sweet home. It wasn't something major but I'm thankful for everyone who was worried about me. I tried to make chapter two longer, but I'm a bit dizzy so.....
Anyway, so here's the chapter and I hope you enjoy it!

Our Family Reunion (A Dramione story)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن