Nine: Closure

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I'm dedicating this chapter to a special someone. We've never met before, but her comment gave me the strength I needed to complete my week, make it better even so Malfoy_Heiress thank you very very much. This chapter is for you.

Moving around was painful. With every step she took Tristan was regretting her decision. She was currently sitting on the grass, just taking deep breathes. What in merlin's beard made her run up a hill like that. Oh right, Hermione was running after her. She looked around, and when she was sure she was alone gave a loud sigh. Massaging her twisted ankle, her brows creased in pain. "Damn it." She breathed as the pain intensified.

Hermione Granger, or rather Malfoy, has been making attempts at talking to her since that morning and frankly Tristan was getting annoyed, so she decided to take a walk in the woods. Hermione had ended up following her and when Tristan spotted her, she took off running before the gryffindor could find her. Sadly though, she tripped over a log and twisted her ankle.

"Marc", she whispered as her eyes fell on her wedding ring. "I miss you." A few tears fell down her cheeks, tears of frustration and sadness, but she quickly wiped them away. He had wanted to come with her, but a business emergency had him tied down. And now she didn't have anyone to hug or even joke with. As Tristan looked around, she realized it was already night time, the stars shone brightly and beautifully above her. She took a deep breath, preparing herself to stand up when a voice stopped her.

"Trissy?" Tristan didn't really need to turn around and see who it was, she already knew, but she turned anyway. Chocolate eyes, brownish-reddish locks, freckles, yup, it was Hermione. A basket was in one hand and two books in the other. She sat down next to her cousin, smiling slightly.

Tristan didn't even acknowledge her presence and instead resorted to looking at stars. They stayed there for what seemed like a long time not talking, just sitting. Weirdly, the silence wasn't awkward. Not at all.

Tristan, frustrated from the silence and from having to be around her cousin, decided she wanted to get up and get as far away as possible. She attempted to do so, key word; attempted. As soon as she tried to get up, the pain intensified and she hissed from the pain. By now her foot was turning red so she just gave up and sat back down. Another long silence passed as Hermione continued reading one of the books she had held earlier.

""When they finally saw him, why he hadn't done any of those things . . . Atticus, he was real nice. . . ." His hands were under my chin, pulling up the cover, tucking it around me." Hermione began reading loudly and Tristan finally paid attention to what Hermione was saying. ""Most people are, Scout, when you finally see them." He turned out the light and went into Jem's room. He would be there all night, and he would be there..........." Hermione stopped and looked at Tristan.

"...when Jem waked up in the morning." Tristan finished with tears glistening in her eyes. Whether it was from the way her foot looked or from the lines she read, Hermione couldn't tell. "To kill a mockingbird " she said simply. And it was actually all it took for her to realize that she could finally let her tears flow freely. All the time she spent with feelings of hatred towards Hermione was only because she hadn't wanted to let the sadness take over. Ever, she didn't want to think about was the time to deal with everything that was happening now.

She spent what felt like hours, just sitting there crying. Hermione knew better though than to approach her at this stage, so she simply sat next to her. After a few minutes, she stopped crying.

"You remembered?" Tristian said disbelievingly. Hermione smiled slightly and fought the urge to pat her on the back or hug her, "Of course I did. I would never forget your favorite book now would I?" Tristian gave a watery smile, and looked down. "I'm sorry, Hermione. But I just can't seem to forget about it. I don't want to hate you believe me, but it's the only thing keeping me from falling apart."

It seemed like every word jabbed at Hermione. She understood, in a way, how she must be feeling, but couldn't help the tears that damped her eyes. "I get it." She spoke, calmly. Which was the opposite of how she felt on the inside. "Anna......that was a big event in our lives....we can't just put it past us, but I don't want you to continue living in the past." Hermione looked at Tristian waiting for her to say something, anything.

A light breeze blew, sending a chill down Hermione's spine. She looked around, trying to distract herself from her thoughts, they were too much to take. "Can we......can we go back there......again? All of us, together?" Tristian shakily said. Well, Hermione thought, that was definitely better. If she wants to go back, it can at least calm her and give her some closure, it would do good for all of them.

"Of course. We will." Hermione answered. She got up, leaving the basket and books behind. She had looked at Tristan's leg, it wasn't that serious, it would heal if she rested for a while. But she knew that right now, she needed to be alone with her thoughts.

"Hermione! Do you know where my glasses-" Draco began but never got the chance to finish. He was attacked by someone who encircled their arms around him. He gave a 'hmph' sound and started, before he looked down and realized that it was just Hermione.

"Hey there. Are you okay?" He asked, worry glistening in his eyes. Hermione nodded. She buried her face deeper into his chest and inhaled. It was very relaxing being next to him like this.

"I just wanna stay like this for a while. Can we?" She asked, timidly. He smiled kindly down at her, one hand around her waist the other on her head. He inhaled her scent allowing her a few more minutes of comfort. She was just bloody adorable when she was like that. "Okay", he finally answered, "a few more minutes."

A/N: okay!!!! I finally updated! After what felt like a year, but was actually 2 months! I feel bad, but I'm not sure if I should. So what do u think? Good? Bad? Okay? Feedback please!
We're almost done BTW only the final chapter is left, and then maybe an Epilogue!! Yay!!
Thank you for the support and comments that made my day. You guys are amazing!!

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