Part 1

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Dean's Pov

Me and Sam are in the Impala driving back to Bobby's from the Wendigo hunt we just had in Colorado. It was a hard hunt let me tell you that it took us 3 days to hunt it down and then it took us another 2 to actually keep it in place to kill it. We are about 8 hours away and we have been in the car for 3 hours now and Sam is sleeping while I drive as it is night time and then in another 2 hours we swap over it is only fair.

Once I pull off the motorway I drive until I see a gas station and once I saw that I pulled the car over. I then parked it at a pump and I got out and grabbed a pump and put it into the car for the car to get petrol. Then I walked into the shop and I grabbed me and Sam a drink each and a sandwich for me and a salad for Sam.

I then went to the till and paid for the food and drink and also the petrol using my fake bank card for a Mr Fisher. After that was done I went back out to the car and I pulled the pump out and put it back. Then I got back into the car and put the food into the back of the car for later and started the car and drive straight back onto the motorway.

I drove for 3 more hours and then I started to get tired so I pulled the car over on the motorway even though it wasn't aloud. I then started pushing Sammy and I said Sam Sam Sammy wake up and finally he woke up very slowly. Once he woke properly he looked at me and said looking around where are we. So I said about 2 hours out and Sam said annoyed Dean you drove more than you were meant to.

I just said oh give over one hour big deal now switch so I can go to sleep please. Sam said ok fine and we both got out of the car and swapped sides me in the passenger and Sam in the driving seat and we got into the car. I then lied down on the chair while Sam drove the rest of the drive to Bobby's. Just 5 minutes into the drive I was asleep.

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