My only worry is what she does with the information she has. The Smiths didn't know about her and if they found out I was hiding their heir from them I knew I was going to be in a lot of shit with them. They never liked me and never accepted Laura's relationship and I from the start but the merge of the two families is what they ever wanted, what I always wanted. I knew to get my hands on the business entirely I had to get rid of Harris which is something I don't regret doing till this day. Brothers or not I had to do what I had to do to get what I wanted. Now my only problem is Taylor fucking McKenzie.

I've already met up with someone who'll keep an eye on her for me. Only temporary. Someone who will pay me good money just to have her for one night. There's a number of other men who will pay me even better money for her. That bitch will pay for what she's doing and I'll make sure that Sinn reminds her of that goodnight they had together.

"Mr Mckenzie, the man who made it all."

Standing at my door he looks at me with a sense of familiarity in his eyes. The kid is wearing black boots with black ripped jeans, a white shirt and a denim leather jacket. His hair is as black as the night and his eyes are a light brown colour.

"Respect.. Respect.." He says in a light tone that I almost missed it.

He takes out a piece of paper from his pocket and opens it up. I watch him as he walks towards my desk and sit down onto the chair in front of me.

He looks at me as if challenging me with his gaze. I can't help but crack a smile and laugh at him. I let out a dry laugh which is heard throughout the quiet hallways. I smile at him and sit properly on my chair, leaning onto the table.

"You have some nerve kid.... I like it."

I take a cigar which was laying on my desk and lean onto the chair.

"Fucking walk into my office like you own the place. You have some guts kid." I say lighting the cigar and taking a long drag of it.

"I'm no kid especially to you and if you know what's good for you you'll start listening." He says with a serious expression on his face.

A grin creeps it's way onto my face.

"Okay Xavier... I'm all ears." I say in a gentle tone interested in hearing what he has to say.

If this was any other person they probably would be dead by now.. but not this kid, there's something about him that reminds me of me.

He flattens the piece of paper onto my desk and the smile that was on my face slowly vanishes.

He smiles at this.

"You know her?"  I ask him a bit more seriously now and the mood in here suddenly changing.

"She was at a bike competition a few days ago and I think I know where they're heading next."


"I hope it's good news Kaden." I say through the phone as I run a finger down my knife.

"The place is on lockdown Rose but we still haven't found the girl yet." His voice booms through the phone and I can hear people shouting in the background.

I fist my hand around the knife, trying to stay calm. Blood runs down my wrists and I watch as it flows from my palm. The smell of blood is in the air but the pain isn't there.

"A simple job. Do you no longer take me seriously Kaden? Am I a joke to you?" I question him as I watch the little droplets of blood fall into the table.

He let's out a huff of air and he remains quiet.

"No of course not." He says sounding flat and pathetic.

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