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Each person and group is special so I made the list in alphabetical order. ->

aratsgroup - For overall accepting one of my short stories within this entire story.

Books_and_nerds - Thank you for being a friend and one of the only friends I have that writes a lot to lovable stories. Outside of friendship you always made sure I knew my worth with my writing. I know you love happy endings and never leave me disappointed. The book took an eventful turn, but you're still there through life's journey.

crockpotgaming - Thank you my wonderful lovely husband. The yang to my yin. My first marriage and yours too. My thoughtful poet buddy - who became my victim to listening to more words when this was completed. Lol.

dc_III - Thank you for always being there and influencing me in many good ways. Trying to help me and giving me many good laughs as a bestie.

DroolWorthy - You always stuck around. I really met you through the beginning stages of this book - before meeting other users of this website/app. After you were done being cute and loving my book for what it was, you started applying that nature in other ways. That's how you became my Worthy Friend. You made post's on my profile constantly or on yours for example until it became a trend. You helped me see the bright side of life (remind me how to stay innocent), but understanding there can be heartbreaks. So you show me how you can have fun by playing mischievous games that only result in laughs.

Fallingstars99 - Thank you for being a friend, tagging me to enter a contest I won 1st place in within this story, and not hesitating to be a nice judge. I remember having talks about relationships only for you to congratulate me years later with my marriage.

joyouscellyjc - Thank you for being a quick supportive judge.

misthi321 - Thank you for being a sweet friend. One who didn't hesitate to talk to me. Even if that was in Spanish. Haha. Or to be my friend on multiple apps.

NikkoTrinity - Thank you for being a very good best friend for basically my whole journey on this app. Defending me, laughing with me, and coming to my wedding. You have quite the impressive title for yourself. Haha.

ReaperReyRenaissance - Thank you for helping encourage my writing over the years and giving me any good advice. Even relationship wise. To the point of poetry gifts.

smoldimple - Thank you for being a thoroughly awesome judge.*

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