Chapter 11

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It was 5AM. Bilal got up early. He prayed Fajr. After praying he started studying. He didn't go to school since his exams were approaching. He would go alternate days or 2-3 days in a week. His attendance was good, so he didn't have much problem taking leave now. His teachers would advise him to come to school but he preferred sitting at home and studying. He then started practicing maths. He found maths a bit tough. And this was a perfect time to study Maths. His first exam was Chemistry, which isn't much tough for him and he is almost done in that. So he is mainly concentrating on Maths and Physics.

While he was studying his mom came and looked into his room,

"Oh, you woke up!" exclaimed his mom.

"Yup. Woke up at 5 only. Now please give me breakfast, I am hungry!" He said.

"Yup, will give you in a while."

He then continued his studies. While studying he didn't think about Sarah, because he would be speaking with her as it is. He just had to fix a time which he would do in a day or two.

After around two hours or so, his mom called her for breakfast. He was very hungry. He took a break for breakfast. For breakfast his mom prepared omlette and milk to drink milk.

"So how's studies going on?" Asked his father

"Good, so far. Concentrating more on Maths and Physics. Other subjects, I am almost done. Only revision to be done."

"Ahan, Great. May Allah make things easier for you." His father gave him blessings.

"Mooomm!" Noorin, Bilal's sister shouted. "Breakfast! Make it fast please. My bus will come anytime soon!"

"You should have get up early then!" Both Bilal and his Mother said at the same time.

"I will..." she paused "One day soon!" she said laughing. Others laughed as well.

"Beeepp Beeep Beeeeeep." Her bus came. This horn was an indication that the bus is waiting.

"Ah, finished just in time. Allah hafiz!" She said and left in a hurry. After a couple of minutes Bilal's father left for office.

After everyone left, Bilal then helped his mother for small work. After helping he went to his room and lied on his bed for 5 minutes. While he was on his bed he planned what to study next and to which subject how much time he needs to dedicate. He then jumped off his bed and sat on his study table and started studying. Now he took Physics books from his book shelf. He decided a chapter to study and began studying. It was around 8 or 8:30 in the morning when he started studying. He studied continuously till 12. Whenever he took a chapter or something to study, he wanted to finish everything of that chapter. Like nothing should be left.

He then went to mosque to pray Zuhr prayer. After praying he saw whether there is any friend of his around him or near him to speak with. "Maybe they went to school!" He said to himself and walked back home.

"As salamu alaikum!" he greeted as he was entering his home.

"Wa laikumusalaam!" replied his mother who was sitting on the sofa, doing some work.

He went to his room. He was feeling bit sleepy so he took a cat nap for half an hour.

"Mooomm, please wake me up in half an hour." He said.

"Okay!" she replied.

"Alarm is set for 30 minutes from now." He got a notification. He then dozed off.

Sharp half an hour he got up. He washed his face and sat on his table. He now took Chemistry books. He loved chemistry. It was comparatively easy than Physics and Maths. Physics ain't that tough but you gotta give your 100%. In chemistry, he only disliked reactions part. Rest all was OK!

"Bilaaaalll!" shouted his mother. "Get up. You told me to wake you up in half an hour. Get up now, it's one hour now!" saying this she came into his room and found out that he was already up and studying already. "Oh, you woke up."

"Yup, you are late." He said laughing. She also laughed. She then went back and he continued his studies. He studied for 2-3 hours and then it was time Asr prayer. He then took a break and left for Asr prayer. After praying, he met some of his friends outside the mosque and he stayed there for sometime. After speaking with them he went to his home. It was around 4. So he thought this would be perfect time to speak with Sarah. So he took his phone and messaged her. But, she wasn't online. He checked his last seen and it was yesterday. He started wondering why she didn't come online. She told she would come but she didn't. "Maybe she is busy now. Anyway I will speak with her tomorrow." He said to himself. He dropped her a message saying,

"Hey Sarah. I came online but you weren't available now. I think you are busy right now. It's OK. We will speak tomorrow at this time only, that is 4PM. Good-Bye!"

He then kept his phone and continued studying He studied till dinner. In between he took breaks for praying. After dinner he again studied till 11 and then planned what to study tomorrow and then slept.  

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