Strange Frequencies / Ouroboros

Start from the beginning

"Back up" Theo spoke, I did.

He grabbed the fire extinguisher and sprayed Stiles with it.

Stiles shot up, coughing, I tackled him in a hug, he hugged me back tightly, still coughing. Theo and I helped Stiles.

"Sorry about that, I had to wake you up." Theo apologized.

"The body? Is it still here?" Theo shook his head, "It's gone."


"Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital? You took in a lot of smoke." Theo spoke to Stiles.

Stiles and I were sitting on the ground, my head was on his shoulder. Theo was standing up near the jeep.

Stiles nodded, "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? I watched you hit your head." I spoke to him, looking up at him.

He nodded again and kissed my forehead, "I'm fine."

I heard my phone ding from inside the jeep. I got off of Stiles and walked to the jeep, picking it up from the ground. The screen was cracked and was covered in Theo's blood. I cleaned the blood off of the phone and looked at the message from Scott. I gasped.

"What? What's wrong?" Theo and Stiles asked.

I looked at them, "Liam and Hayden are missing."


Stiles, Theo and I had called someone to get the jeep to fix it up and we walked all the way to Scott's house and we talked about Hayden and Liam. Liam and Hayden had gone missing when the Dread Doctors appeared at the school and made Lydia, Scott and Malia hallucinate while they took Liam and Hayden.

Kira had gotten arrested because Scott's mom found a dead body in her kitchen with Kira's sword impaled into her stomach. Mason brought Corey over because Corey is another Chimera like Hayden.

Theo left to his house to get his truck and help look for Liam and Hayden. Scott and Malia decided to run through the woods to try and get Liam or Hayden's scent. Lydia, Mason and Corey stayed in the living room.

Stiles told me to stay in Scott's room and sleep there, supposedly Scott would be okay with it. Stiles left to the police station to talk to our dad.

I was in Scott's bed. I could hear Lydia, Mason and Corey talking downstairs. Stiles had told me to stay out of this one because it could get dangerous. I was staring up at the ceiling from Scott's bed, hoping Liam and Hayden were alright.

I heard a light buzz. I looked around, not seeing anything out of the ordinary. I then heard mechanical buzzing.

"No, not again, please." I said out loud.

I looked at the corner of Scott's room and saw one of The Dread Doctors again. I jumped off of Scott's bed and ran to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and texted Theo, letting him know it was in my room. I pressed send and heard the mechanical buzzing get closer.

I jumped into Scott's bathtub and closed the shower curtain, hugging my knees up to my chest. The mechanical buzzing stopped. I heard a thud and my heart beat went up like crazy, I was breathing heavily. I could hear whispering from outside the bathroom.

"Jaylen?" I heard Theo call.

I stood up and got out of the bathtub and opened the bathroom door, seeing Theo standing there. I ran to him, hugging him.

"Did you see it?" I asked him.

"No, nothing was in here when I came in." He stated.

I pulled away from him, "What? It was over there!" I pointed to the wall on the other side of the room.

"How about you get some sleep? I'll stay here with you." I sighed and nodded.

I adjusted myself on Scott's bed. I watched as Theo sat down on Scott's chair,

"You're not laying with me?" I asked him.

He shook his head, "I'm watching over you, I don't want to end up falling asleep and have something bad happen to you." I smiled at him and turned around, closing my eyes.


I was running through tunnels. I was running from someone. From something. My whole body was hurting but I ignored it, my nose was dripping a silver liquid but I ignored it too. "Failure" I could hear them behind me. I sped up, trying to get away. "Help us!" I heard Liam yell, "Liam! Hayden! Where are you?!" I yelled out, trying to find them. I came to a dead end, I turned around to face the Dread Doctors, "Please, please don't kill me" I begged them, crying. I watched them lift up their swords, "Failure" they said before all three of them impaled it into my stomach..

I shot up in Scott's bed, panting. I looked around, not seeing Theo.

What was wrong with me? First, I'm seeing the Dread Doctors when they're not there, and now I'm having dreams with them? Maybe it was just the poison in my body doing this.

I heard gasps and footsteps from downstairs, I forgot about Lydia, Mason and Corey. I walked out of Scott's room and made my way downstairs. I turned into the living room, seeing Liam and Hayden sleeping on the couch, a blanket over them. I watched as Scott, Stiles, Malia, Lydia watched them sleep. Mason and Corey must have left. I walked over to Lydia,

"They came back?" I asked her.

"Theo brought them. He saved them." Scott answered me, right after he finished his sentence, Theo walked into the house.

I smiled at him and walked over, kissing him fully on the lips in front of everyone. When we pulled away, we looked at everyone's shocked faces, except Stiles' face, who looked like he was disgusted.

Scott smiled at us and so did Lydia and Malia. Theo and I sat down on the couch, next to a sleeping Hayden and Liam. Why did Stiles hate Theo so much? He saved our friends.

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