"Prattfall..." Part VII

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Disclaimer: Would Joss want his name associated with this? I think not...But anyway all BTVS characters remain the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and all other owner/creators of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series...Though his brother Mort gets nothing...

Archived at the Normalverse page of the Buffy Rebecca verse, .com...

Summary: As you know I leave the "Pratt" to the Whedonverse, except for this one little bit...

In early 30's Hollywood Spike offers advice to a distant relative...

Part VII...

A jubilant Drusilla was only too happy to include Margaret Sullivan and William Pratt in their celebration.  And rather to Spike's initial concern and shock, warmly hugged the new family member on learning the result of Margaret's research...

So wonderful...Just the perfect end to a perfect day.  But did "Cousin Billy" have any suggestions as to how to handle tomorrow?

Check the weather...And keep both parasol and suntan lotion handy...Both Spike and Margaret did not say...


The Cocoanut Grove nightclub at the Ambassador Hotel...Famed Hollywood hangout of stars Gloria Swanson, Mary Pickford, Joan Crawford, and, as Drusilla eagerly informed Spike in urging a change of venue from her new girlfriends' more modest recommendations, Charles Chaplin...

To which he happily agreed...Noting that it would neither hurt his and cousin Bill's reputation to be seen at Hollywood's hottest spot with a bevy of beautiful young actresses nor said actresses'...

The girls all rather pleased by the change of plans.  Though Pratt was a bit concerned young Will might be letting caution out the window too quickly...

"Just one evening, Bill...And it is good for all of you to see and be seen..."

True enough...And proper attire...When one has friends at several studio costume suppliers.  Not impossible to obtain...

Margaret's eager pleas deciding the matter.  It would be so nice to have Bill seen among the in-crowd there.  And of course young up-and-coming cousin Will, the writer...  And good for the girls as well...

"And the career of one Margaret Sullivan..." Pratt had smiled. "Well, why not?  But just this once till the first thousand a week comes in, Will.  And be sure you can handle it.  It's only a legend that actresses eat like birds."

"We're flush enough for one blow-out..." Spike assured him.  "Consider it an investment in the family's future..."

"Right enough..." Pratt nodded. "It really is the place most things get decided in this town..."


It being 1931 however, a brief stop was recommended by Pratt...At the cigar store/speakeasy...

Although alcohol could be made to flow at the CG and other famed locales despite current legal restrictions, the management generally preferred the lesser fry to bring their own.  Concealed at least until the evening was well underway...

Having asked for "Mike" the "cousins" were ushered into a backroom...

"Well, well...Billy Pratt and friend...In tuxes, no less." hard-faced stare by the said Mike...Rather a hulking fellow, Spike noted.

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