"Prattfall..." Part II

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Disclaimer: Would Joss want his name associated with this? I think not...But anyway all BTVS characters remain the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and all other owner/creators of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series...Though his brother Mort gets nothing...

Archived at the Normalverse page of the Buffy Rebecca verse, .com...

Summary: As you know I leave the "Pratt" to the Whedonverse, except for this one little bit...

In early 30's Hollywood Spike offers advice to a distant relative...

Part II...

Amusing as playing human might be...Spike sighed.  Looking at the clock on the dresser near his rather uncomfortable bed...Made barely tolerable with a little earth from the graveyard in which he'd dropped off poor Regina the night before...

The readjusting one's time schedule to fit approximate human hours was rather a chore...

Still...Dru seemed quite eager to take up this new game.  And who knew...Could be rather fun to meet and massacre America's brightest stars...

Within limits of course...

Chaplin for one...Garbo...No question their careers must continue unbroken.  Whereas a number of others, particularly a few who seemed to be failing the transition to the new sound medium.  Take the sad case of the great Douglas Fairbanks for example...Could only benefit from a quick and tidy exit...

And at least in the case of the Little Tramp, Dru's continued good spirits might be essential...

He rose and dressed in casual suit, suspenders, garters on socks, finally hat.  Pausing to spit-polish his shoes.  And moved to the window, carefully pulling back the shade...

Ah...California failing again to live up to its sunshine state rep...Cloudy with light rain...

Excellent...A fine omen for the first day of Dru's new hobby...

He speculated a mo.  Well...Why not?  He had, after all, mentioned many times that he could write better scripts than most of the crap reaching the screen.  Though there was no denying Chaplin's and a few others' genius for utilizing the visual arts.  And a few of the new sound films seemed to show developing promise...  Yes, there might well be a chance for a new voice in film writng.  And it would be an excellent excuse for not frequenting the light of day...The busy, monomanic writer, grimly focused on his work all day, partying and drinking all night.

Perfect occupation for a vampire...And he could quote a few examples...

Yes, this could be fun.  He opened the door to the small landing at the top of the stairs and peered out.  No dangerous leakage of light...A few sounds of bustle, though not all that much...

Late-risers, these film people...

I guess the tales are true...He thought.

Hmmn...I wonder...He reached out his senses carefully...

Dru still in the place, subdued.  Sleeping...But nothing...Ah...He peered over the railing of the landing...

First floor, I'd say...Hard to pin down...Not necessarily a vamp but definitely demonic...And right now, rather dormant...

Surprising, actually...Given how suitable this lifestyle is for our kind, I'd've expected the place would be full of us...

But we should meet our compatriot as soon as possible and learn their game.  Don't want to find some fellow with some crazed agenda for world conquest or global mass murder is hanging out in our boarding house.

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