"Prattfall..." Part III...

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Disclaimer: Would Joss want his name associated with this? I think not...But anyway all BTVS characters remain the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and all other owner/creators of the Buffy the Vampire Slayer series...Though his brother Mort gets nothing...

Archived at the Normalverse page of the Buffy Rebecca verse, .com...

Summary: As you know I leave the "Pratt" to the Whedonverse, except for this one little bit...

In early 30's Hollywood Spike offers advice to a distant relative...

Part III...

Pratt pointed out the nearest cigar store to Will.  Noting with wry smile that it also served other items at the right time of day...If one asked for "Mike".  Spike nodding with smile...Thanks.

"Well, lad, take care if you've brought anything in your baggage.  There's plenty who'll hit you up.  Good kids, most, but times are hard, you know."

"We've little but we'll take care.  Thanks again...And remember what your lady friend said..."

Pratt chuckling... "Ah, if only...Fine girl, though.  Will..." he paused.  "You might try Universal.  And mention my name.  I've done some work for them, just bit stuff but they seem to have an open mind for new things.  Jimmy Whale is a good fellow there, has me under consideration for something.  Ask for him and tell him I said you were a fine young writer."

"I appreciate it, Bill...Thanks."

"Yes...Just...Make it clear you have a girl.  Jimmy's a good fellow but rather of the persuasion..." Pratt eyed him. "He might make assumptions..."

"Right..." Spike nodded.

Hmmn...Pratt...Of London...?

I wonder...

He watched Pratt heading off to a pausing bus...

Does look a bit like Auntie Sal in the face...

He returned with the groceries and smokes.  And a promise of a meeting with "Mike" in the evening to find Dru up and eagerly taking some basic lessons in film acting from Frances...

"Got a few things..." he announced.

"And met some of our fellow residents..." he eyed Dru.  Who returned the look as Frances waited patiently...

"Demonic but not one of us..." he noted.  "She or it is living on the first floor.  Calls herself Maggie Sullivan..."

"Do you know her, Frances?" Dru asked.

"Maggie?...Sure...She's tops." Frances beamed.  "A kid who's sure to go places but a real sweetheart.  She's got most of the guys eatin' out of her hand but she keeps it classy.  I think she's got a real thing for Billy Pratt on the second floor.  Though frankly..."

"I understand..." Spike nodded.  "Fine fellow though...Despite looking like we ought to..."

Dru frowned.  Rank prejudice...

"From London, the fellow...You know, my mother's family is Pratt of London.  I wonder if he could be a relation...?"

"A relative?  Here?" Dru stared.  "Will we have him join us?"

"If you mean join the family as opposed to a dinner invite?  Not right now..." Spike put up a hand.  "We're just settling in and I'd rather not get things too shaken, what with the thing at Mr. Chaplin's and Miss MacKenzie last night, not to mention our incidents along the way here..."

I mean if you want to continue your acting career...he smiled.

"Frances says I've the gift..." Dru eagerly began.  "We're going to meet the photographer in two hours.  Is it all right, outside, still?"

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